OF General 1.0

Ken makes a new forum, then deletes it:
Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 01-44-28 Groups and Communities Onionfarms.png
so fuckin retarded.PNG

Just for context, I found a website, when looking at one of KF's threads called "NoLimitsPedia", turns out they have an article on KF, decided I post it to OF and here's socky with his bullshit (this reply of his is after mine where I replied to him asking how I knew the website)
This looks like a shitty mockup of a forum designed to steal credentials. It's just this page, every link returns to either this page or the pyramid one.

Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 23-12-50 Request password reset link.png

I'm not sure exactly what's going on here. Did the domain get hijacked, or the hosting account itself? Did the attacker achieve Total Onion Death? Ken's shitty blog is alive and well:
Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 23-18-29 Onionfarms Press – KennethErwinEngelhardt.com.png

So I would guess that Onion Farms itself is probably okay, and simply cut off from the Internet for the time being.

The rouge site is being hosted through a VPN, and considering the latency and how long it takes to load the page the first time, I wouldn't be surprised if this was running on somebody's personal computer.

On today's episode of Shit No One Cares About, we take a look at what's going on under the hood. It's interesting how it's redirecting, but the initial response from the server takes a very long time, like up to 90 seconds and sometimes it even times out. If it were a redirect at the domain registrar level, it would be instant. But this takes for fucking ever, which leads me to believe that somebody broke into his hosting account, or possibly his cloudflare account, and set up the redirect at the web server level. The slowness could be a crypto miner soaking up resources, or maybe XenForo is on the fritz as a result of the hacker messing about. I don't know much about managed web hosting, but his other site, which is probably hosted separately from OF, continues to work just fine.

So I was completely wrong about this. More details tell me that this is a deliberate attempt by Ken to block any and all VPN access to OF. The site does load if you access it without any sort of VPN in between you and the server. It even stopped my wireguard tunnel.

So how is this happening? Possibly the same way cell phone networks detect tethering usage: by checking the TTL against an expected value. I have not tested this theory, but if this is how Ken's developer is doing it, it might be possible to change your system's TTL up or down by 1 and bypass the VPN check.
Onion Farms has a new logo. Per the filename, "onionfarmsnewprofessionallogo.png", we can tell it's likely a professionally made logo, ie. Ken paid money for it.

The new logo:

So it's not the worst thing in the world, but it looks like something more befitting of a cable company from 20 years ago than a lolcow site of today.

The old Precum Onion logo, for reference:

I think the old logo was better, and that spending money on a new one is unnessacary. But who am I to talk? This site doesn't even have a logo.

But our slogan can't be beat.