OF General 1.0

Just gonna leave this crop of the kiwifails fap image here.
View attachment 1562
The cropped pic actually creeps me the fuck out. I dunno what they have edited, but a wild guess. They have edited it to make her face look more chubby, like a kid. Otherwise, her face looks weird af.
According to @View Ken protects me, yet I have never talked to him, wanted to mod or anything of that sort. I don't even have anyone blocked.
I dunno, I think he mentioned something about you being pro-wax. But I must admit I didn't keep that much up with it, so I don't know.
Yikes! I was never sure of the whole kiwifails is a pedo thing because there were too many pages of autistic arguing with Guillotines but I don't like the look of the photo. Was the reason it was supposedly okay because the model wasn't completely naked or what was the cope?
She has panties on, nothing else. The reason given was "she was 18 when the photo was taken". That might be true, might not be, but I think it's irrelevant because she looks much younger. No sane person is fapping to that shit.
The cropped pic actually creeps me the fuck out. I dunno what they have edited, but a wild guess. They have edited it to make her face look more chubby, like a kid. Otherwise, her face looks weird af.
She has smallish titties too. Definitely designed to appeal to a certain crowd.
According to @View Ken protects me, yet I have never talked to him, wanted to mod or anything of that sort. I don't even have anyone blocked. I have been aware of this site for a while but needed to catch up on some threads. I miss Gargamel on OF, he was a good poster but I'm glad his new site is doing well. 💙
Nice to make your acquaintance... Again. Though you may not recognize me.


Passive aggressive? Not sure what to make of this message, but I'd like to note that the biggest and most hostile "competing forum" is Kiwi Farms....

I'm not a feminist at all. I'm an ethno socialist. I support abortion for eugenic reasons.
I'm not really interested in arguing or debating point by point and shitting up this thread, but I'm just curious what you meant by this? Are you a social darwinist? Seems out of character for you to be a literal neo-nazi, tbqh.
Ken reminds me of that weirdo loner kid we all knew, where if you have a heart you try to befriend and help only to find out the hard way that he's in the position he's in for a reason.

Passive aggressive? Not sure what to make of this message, but I'd like to note that the biggest and most hostile "competing forum" is Kiwi Farms....
If he has no issues with Lounge 96, why did he delete or move all threads about Lounge 96 from guest viewable forums?
Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 06-24-04 Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms - Joshua Moon Megathread.png


Pedofails posts this as if it's some kind of own (it's not)
Some things have moved around. The DEI message is no longer at the top of every page, having been relegated to the "About Onionfarms" virtue-jizz. We now see a straight up copy of Kiwi Farms' Community Featured Submissions, with a thread about a Rwandan drunk driver as the sole featured content:
Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 06-31-45 Onionfarms.png

I'll note that although Rwanda is not Nigeria, it's still a country nobody cares about.

Said virtue-jizz:
Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 06-37-08 About Onionfarms Yes we are inclusive.png

It hasn't changed much, but Ken does elaborate on what his webring is supposed to be: A XenForo albatross around his neck, a non-XenForo Potemkin that nobody cares about, a blog nobody reads, and a "social media channel".

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CF defends kiwifails with the "she might be 18" excuse:
View attachment 1596
Not only that, but then goes on to say "I seen younger looking 18 year olds in a razzle magazine". I didn't know what that was, and when I looked it up, of course it ended up being some softcore porn mag from Britbongistan (which focuses on "girl next door" type young'uns). I think we have some idea of why CF pedoshields for kiwifails now. Kinda gross ngl