OF General 1.0

Onionfarms.net is back up with a new software.

Just kidding. 🧌
It's up with new software:
Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 21-52-02 Login - Onionfarms Social Network.png
I wonder how many artists Onion Farms network is going to add that is uniquely Onion Theme? 🧅
If he really wants to "compete" with Twitter and Bluesky, just steal the name Twitter, the blue bird and put it on a domain with Twitter in the address name. Since Twitter rebranded itself as "X". Guaranteed to work until Musk gets around to DMCAing or cease and desisting him. People would go to it. Doesn't require hiring any "artists", the art is right there "abandoned". And if Musk just ignores it, then the Twitter copyright is considered forfeit.
WTF @Gargamel, I'm not a furry. Pedofails is lying about that. I did send pics to the Russian twink yes, but that's after the fact it was revealed he was 18. And he literally asked for it, it is even proof of that in the leaked DM pics.

I like my plushies because they are cute/creepy. It really isn't that deep.
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WTF @Gargamel, I'm not a furry. Pedofails is lying about that. I did send pics to the Russian twink yes, but that's after the fact it was revealed he was 18. And he literally asked for it, it is even proof of that in the leaked DM pics.

I like my plushies because they are cute/creepy. It really isn't that deep.
I thought you were a legit furry? My bad.
@Refrigerated Embaby
Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 05-50-17 Lounge 96 Page 32 Onionfarms.png.webp

kiwifails is my enemy because he's a narcissistic piece of shit who tried to manipulate me into blanket banning "problematic groups" such as gays, furries, and Jews, then cried about Lounge 96 being unwelcoming and not inclusive enough when I wouldn't give in to his demands. He also demanded a broom and didn't get one. He was also butthurt that I deleted the image of the girl, and butthurt that I didn't think the website she allegedly came from was legit (Ken feels the same way about the image, BTW). In the end, he ran back to OF and played the victim because he didn't get his way. He then apparently proceeded to manipulate Ken into giving him at least some of what he wanted: a broom and a hugbox. As a narcissist he is not particularly good at telling lies, just good enough to convince those who aren't paying attention or don't know the backstory. He's banned here because I'm not willing to deal with the constant whine piss moan about how things aren't going his way, or the constant vilification of me, or the constant victim playing.

To be fair, I did make a big deal about digging into his KF past, which he feels the need to keep a secret for some reason. He was demanding a broom and I wanted to know who he really was, because none of it was adding up to me at the time. He didn't get a broom, but he made a big deal about how I should just give him a broom and not worry about who he is. I handled the resulting shitfest poorly, but learned a lot about how to deal with people like kiwifails.

kiwifails also has the habit of using ChatGPT to make his posts sound smart. Look at the wording of:
As for, Gargamel he has a tendency to shift the blame for his failures and shortcomings onto others, rather than taking responsibility for his own actions.
If you tell ChatGPT a short, fake story about "Gargamel" and then ask it why Gargamel has X behavior, that's what you'll get in response.

The pedofails thing came out after he was gone from Lounge 96. I believe it was the result of him crying about having his post with the image deleted on Lounge 96 and how I'm a terrible person for censoring that shit. That post of his is something very few people knew about at the time, and he fucked himself over by making a lot of noise about it. It's a classic narcissistic miscalculation.
Let's say the girl in the pic is actually 18, it doesn't make it okay. Because it's appealing to pedos. It's the whole "But senpai, she's a 1000 year old dragon" when it comes to loli-defenders. He's cooming to something that's trying to look like a child, and it's gross.

Even without the pedobait from Pedofails, he is still a person the world would be a better place without.
I see that despite 99% of the site's draw and traffic being KF-related, the perverts and outcasts on OF haven't figured out Null closed registration because he's scared it's going to come out the femcel shooter posted there. Internet addicted, man-hating terf that flirted with neo-nazism? She was practically a girl version of Josh at that age.
I see that despite 99% of the site's draw and traffic being KF-related, the perverts and outcasts on OF haven't figured out Null closed registration because he's scared it's going to come out the femcel shooter posted there. Internet addicted, man-hating terf that flirted with neo-nazism? She was practically a girl version of Josh at that age.
That would be funny. Then maybe his haters can finally have an excuse to close his site down. A school shooter posts on his site. Can't wait for the FBI to bust his door down.

Nektar Geist calls out Fails on his bullshit. Btw, would it theoretically be possible to hold Ken legally accountable for rewarding a pedo (kiwifails) with a broom instead of banning them, because I'm so tired of seeing this shit. Something about being an accessory?


Continued discussion, with a jab at Gargamel for some reason.
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