OF General 1.0

What do Nektar have against Gargamel?
I honestly do not know.

Continued discussion, with a jab at Gargamel for some reason.
Rent free!
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Continued spat between Britbong and Epstein.
>You can take your grievances with you on your way out.
Get out of my hugbox you filthy brit!

And this, people, is why you don't hand brooms to people who can't handle them. It's clearly gone to his head, what a terrible look for an already floundering Onion Farms. And keep in mind that his broom isn't even global. It's like being a mall cop, but only in the hallway leading to the toilets.

Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 22-16-42 (1) Forum support Page 2 Lounge 96.png

He had to ask ChatGPT how to ask me why I wouldn't give him a broom. That's why it's awkward robotic English wrapped in quotes. Because he was too lazy to remove them. A guy who is dying to sweep is too fucking lazy to click, backspace, click, backspace.
A guy who is dying to sweep
It's not that fun. Then again, maybe having a broken broom and the title is better. If he just wants to go around and threaten people and get praise. While the site owner has to do all the heavy lifting and take the responsibility.

Lol, don't you have to pay like $2000/mo. to access the ex-Twitter API or some absurd amount? Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., those are fair I guess.

Discord? It was inevitable for the Onion Farms community to go there, anyway.

Just set up the website and don't fuck with it or delete it immediately, don't embarrass yourself so much. That's my heart-to-heart advice. I've already gotten enough secondhand cringe.

I find the name "Onion Farms Social" pretty funny, btw. Although Bluesky Social did the same thing. Granted, I'd be making an account at Truth Social before either of those previously mentioned two choices, personally.


Make sure to wash your nose off after sticking it so far up his ass. It's unhygenic.
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About Pedofails accussing me of liking lolicon, because I watch Rev says desu for news. He is essentially admitting to that he thinks people can't be around children (and lolicon), without feeling a sexual desire aka himself.

People in daycare aren't pedophiles, even some are. But far from the majority, and people that have read the book lolita. According to Pedofails, all who reads that should be hot and bothered. But lol no, people are reading it because it's a piece of literature that has some importance. If it wasn't, most wouldn't even touch it with a pitch fork. Which is still a very small part of the population, as majority of people really can't handle child abuse.

But sure, I'm a lolicon for watching a loli vtuber talk about woke shit in the gaming industri.
Can't wait to connect my LinkedIn profile to the social media platform of an evil doxing and stalking forum :ROFLMAO:

Really guys, this is what delusional thinking looks like, right here. Ken thinks that he's gonna take his Onion empire mainstream by making it easier than ever to self-dox. He thinks anyone outside of the KF bubble is going to give a shit about his site(s) in a positive way. You know, because Onion Farms is somehow different than Kiwi Farms despite being a carbon copy complete with dox and harassment.

This once failed social media platform is also going to serve as the replacement for the 6 time failure that is Onionpedia.

But it's only a trial to see if he can actually keep it up for more than a few days before realizing he's in over his head and not capable of molding the platform into his vision of what the site should be. Or you know, the more likely reason, he didn't read the documentation, fucked up a bunch of shit he shouldn't have ever touched, and deletes the whole thing, blaming the platform for the failure instead of his own incompetence.

Make sure to wash your nose off after sticking it so far up his ass. It's unhygenic.
Ball washer, with a hint of "give me a broom".
>You can take your grievances with you on your way out.
Get out of my hugbox you filthy brit!

And this, people, is why you don't hand brooms to people who can't handle them. It's clearly gone to his head, what a terrible look for an already floundering Onion Farms. And keep in mind that his broom isn't even global. It's like being a mall cop, but only in the hallway leading to the toilets.

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He had to ask ChatGPT how to ask me why I wouldn't give him a broom. That's why it's awkward robotic English wrapped in quotes. Because he was too lazy to remove them. A guy who is dying to sweep is too fucking lazy to click, backspace, click, backspace.
There are many ways to write ai. He needs to change some wording so it's not notably noticeable.
Wow, what a great community Onion Farms is! Where else could you hang out with a bunch of weird KF rejects who all hate each other and treat every disagreement like it's autistic holy war? I guess I should have seen it coming where people started turning on Britbong Geist, but you could probably say that about any user on OF who still posts there and hasn't been swept up yet.
Wow, what a great community Onion Farms is! Where else could you hang out with a bunch of weird KF rejects who all hate each other and treat every disagreement like it's autistic holy war? I guess I should have seen it coming where people started turning on Britbong Geist, but you could probably say that about any user on OF who still posts there and hasn't been swept up yet.
Onions are meant to be eaten. Nobody ever said onions couldn't eat other onions.
I guess I should have seen it coming where people started turning on Britbong Geist
I feel like Nektar himself is actually turning on others a bit more lately. First kiwifails which was pretty funny because he said they got a broom wedged up their ass or something lol and now thefrogninja. Frogninja is a good poster imo. Nektar turned on me before for saying I'm Pagan and "must be a bint" but it didn't bother me. That's just the way Nektar Geist has always been, I think.
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