OF General 1.0

The current incarnation of the Two Ashley Forum solution:
Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 21-35-16 Onionfarms.png.webp

Does anyone here actually consider @register to be a "niche public figure of intense interest"?
The current incarnation of the Two Ashley Forum solution:
View attachment 2399
Does anyone here actually consider @register to be a "niche public figure of intense interest"?
I mean it goes without saying since Ken is a dangerous autistic retard and a lunatic who will drive hundreds of miles to piss on the grave of some dead guy who was mean to him 30 years ago, but the threads in that forum aren't about the ludicrousness of my beliefs, or my messy relationships, or even gender weirdness like with actual lolcows. Instead of a sideshow about an eccentric it's pages and pages of losers (who drop constant hints they are 30+) basically complaining I don't look like the young girls in their porno. The "Jack" guy recently invented some pathetic story in one of them about how he cheated on his wife with a hooker he paid a couple hundred dollars and this is supposed to make me jealous for some reason.

Ken keeps muttering like talentless rainman about "diversifying", I just try to imagine what some rando from reddit stumbling on that garbage dump through his ads would make of it or the people posting.
I don't even get his point, it can be translated as pedophile with a rough translation without any cultural contexts, but I doubt that translator would be dubbed as a good one. It is a word used for IRL women too, and while I need to admit I was wrong. Pedofails was still the one who owned himself the most. And I like to learn about these finicky details of the Japanese language, which Google translate and Wikipedia could never get right. It really doesn't matter if lolicon stemmed from the book once in the past, because pantsu is underwear in Japanese. I bet most people would say it means pants.
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 04.00.24.png

Thanks for making me learn something new, and it sucks to suck like you Pedofails.

Edit: Japanese has loanwords, like every other language. Pantsu is an English loanword, what it means in English is completely irrelevant. Lolita is probably a loanword too, still irrelevant as to what it means in English. And most important. What was discussed, where loli characters stemming from. Not from the book Lolita, but Japan.
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The narcissistic bullshit never ends with pedofails:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 09-58-29 Lounge 96 Page 41 Onionfarms.png.webp

Guys. what pedofails is trying to say here is that if @Refrigerated Embaby doesn't stop posting screenshots of pedofails on Lounge 96, the sky will fall and both Onion Farms and Lounge 96 might hate her, or something. Now, according to pedofails, it's okay to stand up for her friend @Vingle, sure, just not on the Internet because bad things could happen and it would be looked upon poorly by a forum owned by a 65 year old lolicon fapper and essentially controlled by a pedophile who's Kiwi Farms username shall never be spoken.

This kiwifails post boils down to, "I copied it from Wikipedia and ran it through a document builder, therefore it's true", "Don't post screenshots on Lounge 96, or else", "Don't talk about us, or else", "be loyal only to Onion Farms, or else", "I've been watching you", "if you don't agree with me about @Vingle then you're worse than pedophiles", and "you'll be shunned by both forums if you don't take our MY side", which is an absolutely disgusting display of narcissistic bullying. He of course left out the part where Onion Farms users commonly do exactly what he just told @Refrigerated Embaby not to do. How convenient.

By the way, does anyone really give a flying fuck about what Onion Farms thinks? I don't think so, honestly. Even across the broader scene (Kiwi Farms, Skibidi Farms, EDF et al) they seem to be relative nobodies and that's after existing for 6 years and completely squandering every chance Onion Farms ever had at being something. It's clear to me that they're trying their Nigerian best to remain relevant in the face of actual, direct competition in the form of Lounge 96.
The narcissistic bullshit never ends with pedofails:
View attachment 2401
Guys. what pedofails is trying to say here is that if @Refrigerated Embaby doesn't stop posting screenshots of pedofails on Lounge 96, the sky will fall and both Onion Farms and Lounge 96 might hate her, or something. Now, according to pedofails, it's okay to stand up for her friend @Vingle, sure, just not on the Internet because bad things could happen and it would be looked upon poorly by a forum owned by a 65 year old lolicon fapper and essentially controlled by a pedophile who's Kiwi Farms username shall never be spoken.

This kiwifails post boils down to, "I copied it from Wikipedia and ran it through a document builder, therefore it's true", "Don't post screenshots on Lounge 96, or else", "Don't talk about us, or else", "be loyal only to Onion Farms, or else", "I've been watching you", "if you don't agree with me about @Vingle then you're worse than pedophiles", and "you'll be shunned by both forums if you don't take our MY side", which is an absolutely disgusting display of narcissistic bullying. He of course left out the part where Onion Farms users commonly do exactly what he just told @Refrigerated Embaby not to do. How convenient.

By the way, does anyone really give a flying fuck about what Onion Farms thinks? I don't think so, honestly. Even across the broader scene (Kiwi Farms, Skibidi Farms, EDF et al) they seem to be relative nobodies and that's after existing for 6 years and completely squandering every chance Onion Farms ever had at being something. It's clear to me that they're trying their Nigerian best to remain relevant in the face of actual, direct competition in the form of Lounge 96.
He doesn't even know that bishoujo is beautiful girl, and this is actually one of the easiest to get right. As you have the bishounen (beautiful boy) anime's that's released now and then. Bad plot and just meant as fanservice to the girls. The part about maho shoujo, what? He mentioned that, not me.
Moe is used for cute stuff, and Pedofails is seen as a lolicon(pedophile both in Japan and murica
AHF has a question:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 11-57-57 Ashley Renee Hutsell - I have a question about Ashley Onionf...png

Gee, I dunno?
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 11-58-23 Ashley Renee Hutsell - I have a question about Ashley Onion...webp

Oh, right, sometimes people move on to greener pastures.

Meanwhile, back in Onionland:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 11-58-11 Ashley Renee Hutsell - I have a question about Ashley Onion...webp

This sounds like defamation to me.

AHF on the future of Lounge 96, a forum he's banned from:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 11-58-29 Ashley Renee Hutsell - I have a question about Ashley Onion...webp

Jews are cheap, guys. That @Gargamel guy will spite his big nose to save a shekel, don't ya know! It's so over.

Nektar is a bit more optimistic:
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 11-58-36 Ashley Renee Hutsell - I have a question about Ashley Onion...webp

A couple people disappeared = one user who has shit to do in life and one user who makes socks on other sites :rolleyes:

(content, archive)


I'm sorry I don't look like the strung out heroin addicted and probably underage street walker you had to pay to lose your virginity, Ken. If it makes you feel any worse you don't have enough money to buy me, there isn't enough money in the universe for that to ever happen.

Why does Ken take dozens of these uncanny selfies where he has the same vacant stare and molester smile and the background is always his basement/prison? He never goes anywhere and is never with anyone but he takes as many selfies as a zoomer, it's extremely weird narcissistic behavior. Does he think some day onionfarms is going to make him internet famous like a twitch streamer 40 years younger than him and young girls will consider him hot?

I keep my photos in a locked account because if I felt it was important enough to take a pic I was someplace important with someone I cared about. One gets the sense nobody outside of Ken's family has ever told him they love him and meant it, with what a mugging attention seeking asshole he is. He couldn't even feel happy in photos with his ex-wife because he knew the marriage was a sham and he paid for her company just like he paid the prostitute. What a sad, repulsive life this big dumb motherfucker leads.
I like her bridge piercing and elf ears. At least he would consensually degrade her.

She has an unfortunately larger nose and small lips. That can make you look more masculine.
I thought she had elf ears too, but the upper part of the ear is just hidden by the hair. The eyes looks suspect too, but it's because of the fake lashes and the eyes itself being too far apart.