OF General 1.0

You will be called to account for it all lol

Cue when the man comes around by Johnny Cash

Yeah yeah, we heard you Ralph, it's all kayfabe, tis but a work


This was fun though. I had fun. I have to admit I missed palling around with you, Daniel.

Well, that's it for me. I just wanted to set the record straight about the little cry baby who had a mental breakdown and fucked up a mod position because he couldn't keep his hands out of the cookie jar and got caught creeping on women's DMs. Let's see if he can edit audio to make me look bad better than he can do a podcast 😂

Alright, my lovelies. I'll see you around.

And Gargamel I don't like you but I do respect you, so I want to give you some free advice: watch your back with this motherfucker. Because you are a means to an end for him. He's only using you for a soapbox to put the mouth on us because he had a bitch fit online,
Pedofails is banned here, he would just get banned again for ban evading.
Pedofails is banned here, he would just get banned again for ban evading.

I'm pretty sure @thejackoffshow is pedofails.

Not sure if I ever got banned or just left tumultuously, but that's neither here nor there because after I sign out in a second I won't ever be coming back.

I just wanted to let Garg and Daniel Owens know that kiwi has made me see that holding a grudge is retarded and childish.

So yeah Gargamel and Daniel I apologize for my part in our drama, and take care of yourselves.
Alright, my lovelies. I'll see you around
and take care of yourselves
after I sign out in a second I won't ever be coming back

It’s over 4 u
Take a bath and your meds, stinky
homeless child
Enjoy piss, baby raper.

Anyway, I'm shocked to learn that Kiwi Kitty was that bitch Rose the entire time. Will Kengle make her broom bigger before he does so for the treacherous Timepace? Pedofails flouncing in a stream of autistic tears has left a gaping hole in the onion patch, so Ken better move quickly to fill that position either way
Enjoy piss, baby raper.

Anyway, I'm shocked to learn that Kiwi Kitty was that bitch Rose the entire time. Will Kengle make her broom bigger before he does so for the treacherous Timepace? Pedofails flouncing in a stream of autistic tears has left a gaping hole in the onion patch, so Ken better move quickly to fill that position either way
Schizo stalker child
To whom does this refer?

And this? Who got deleted? I see pedofails' account is gonesky, and AHF got a new account the other day 🤔

That's because Ken likes bad ideas, like paying for bots or Nigerians. Anyway, I have four hours of Jack getting "totally" not upset that people don't find him as funny as he thinks he is. By the way, Jackie is in charge of cleaning up after Yandere's sexual accidents

How do any of you find this much time to make each other miserable lol. How are you like 50 and you have so few real problems to worry about?

And why would a podcast cause a mental health episode like this, the whole point of a podcast is casually riffing with people you like around a loose theme. If you're bad at keeping dead air away there's multiplayer twitch games you can all play together. I mean in theory, nobody's going to listen to you assholes.
And why would a podcast cause a mental health episode like this
You saw the way Pedofails was acting from the moment he got a broom. There was never any need for him to do anything beyond respond to the report queue but he immediately took to power tripping. The sycophantic worm surely thought the fucking Onion Farms podcast of all things was going to be big.
What I do find interesting though is that he has a wife. Does she know about his very clear porn addiction? It's regrettable that trash fire was snuffed out so soon, I'd have liked to ask her.

Over 4 u chud
Vague threats from some piss stained Bri*ish skeleton stuffed in her uncle's attic don't particularly move me. Do something interesting or join the conversation
You saw the way Pedofails was acting from the moment he got a broom. There was never any need for him to do anything beyond respond to the report queue but he immediately took to power tripping. The sycophantic worm surely thought the fucking Onion Farms podcast of all things was going to be big.
What I do find interesting though is that he has a wife. Does she know about his very clear porn addiction? It's regrettable that trash fire was snuffed out so soon, I'd have liked to ask her.

Vague threats from some piss stained Bri*ish skeleton stuffed in her uncle's attic don't particularly move me. Do something interesting or join the conversation
You saw the way Pedofails was acting from the moment he got a broom. There was never any need for him to do anything beyond respond to the report queue but he immediately took to power tripping. The sycophantic worm surely thought the fucking Onion Farms podcast of all things was going to be big.
What I do find interesting though is that he has a wife. Does she know about his very clear porn addiction? It's regrettable that trash fire was snuffed out so soon, I'd have liked to ask her.

And with that the Jack show was born

Never "defended" that guy, always ignored him, the admittedly vile pictures that are sometimes on the bodies of people of suspect age don't look anything like me.

However unlike guys like you he's completely open with how much of a loser dirtbag he is and how tenuous his connection with society is, how much he loves going to rehab on da precious white man taxpayer's dime so he's already destroying himself. The problem is taking care of itself, so why bother or think about it.
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Never "defended" that guy, always ignored him, the admittedly vile pictures that are sometimes on the bodies of people of suspect age don't look anything like me.

However unlike guys like you he's completely open with how much of a loser dirtbag he is and how tenuous his connection with society is, how much he loves going to rehab on da precious white man taxpayer's dime so he's already destroying himself. The problem is taking care of itself, so why bother or think about it.
I would rather make a snuff film starring myself than ever fuck Daniel Lopez.