OF General 1.0


It's legit amazing you're still going. Are you sealed away on a compound or something? Or maybe you're missing all your limbs and being taken care of by your parents, typing all this out with a pencil in your mouth. There has to be some insane circumstance here where you never move on or mature past me even when the rest of the room has gone quiet. If you were a teenager you would have gotten some other interest, a job, a girlfriend, or your brain anatomy would have at least changed so you're ashamed of this or at least not interested in it anymore. I'm kind of fascinated by how you've been doing the same thing this long with less than minimal contact or reaction from me. You are for some reason stuck in amber, never having any of these epiphanies or milestones. Psychologists should really study you or maybe the state ought to intervene. Type 222 if you're in trouble and need help.

For comparison I sold some of my art at an auction for Palestine in January. I've changed jobs twice since you started obsessing about me.

If god exists hopefully he'll judge me by the dead eyed teacher biters, mentally damaged racist schizos, and morbidly obese autistic men who can't get laid without paying a desperate streetwalker that comprise my haters
The lack of creativity or prose chops is so much more annoying and strange than the content, it's like something a 5 year old would torture themselves to come up with or like he repurposes things he found in a stained up book of sexist jokes in an attic. Paired with the schizo rambling about me in his profile, you would think a guy like this would have gotten in trouble for being a creep to multiple women but he's been consistently on the internet for years. No idea why he settled on me exclusively because he seems too dumb to be consciously political or racist or whatever. Maybe I remind him of some authority figure from his past who didn't like him irl? Idk a mystery.
to be honest, it has become stale and sad that people would spend the 5 or 6 seconds they do coming up with lame jokes about how incredibly obese you are, it's not like you can help being that fat anyway
to be honest, it has become stale and sad that people would spend the 5 or 6 seconds they do coming up with lame jokes about how incredibly obese you are, it's not like you can help being that fat anyway
I'm not even overweight and it's amazing how guys who act like you towards me always end up being cut from the same cloth, so to speak. Rightwing but in a repulsive, marginal way and having problems with women his entire life, if he can even get close to them. I can't count how many end up being an abusive psycho like pedofails. One of the guys in the original KF thread about lil ol me who made dozens and dozens of posts about my personal life also won't stop bitching about how much he hates his tranny sympathizing shitlib bitch wife and wants a divorce after 20 years. Meanwhile look at how happy I am and how gentle and nurturing my husband is.

How old are you, just curious? Never too late to get therapy and change the direction you're in socially before you wind up like Kenny.
1. all of this not true, you seem unwell

proof? i doubt this
That's entirely your opinion. But bizarrely, in every case of a guy who aggressively had this opinion about me they overshared were some kind of social outlier who had a lot of other problems going on. Look around at your alpha male company, fren.
I'm not even overweight and it's amazing how guys who act like you towards me always end up being cut from the same cloth, so to speak. Rightwing but in a repulsive, marginal way and having problems with women his entire life, if he can even get close to them. I can't count how many end up being an abusive psycho like pedofails. One of the guys in the original KF thread about lil ol me who made dozens and dozens of posts about my personal life also won't stop bitching about how much he hates his tranny sympathizing shitlib bitch wife and wants a divorce after 20 years. Meanwhile look at how happy I am and how gentle and nurturing my husband is.

How old are you, just curious? Never too late to get therapy and change the direction you're in socially before you wind up like Kenny.
What is your opinion on Daniel Lopez? I’m curious.
What is your opinion on Daniel Lopez? I’m curious.
The fact that I've been accused of many terrible untrue things by this group and the fact you aren't in cop custody kind of casts suspicion on the accusations that you are deeply embedded with pedos etc he keeps throwing around but I am wondering if you had contact with the antioch shooter or the one femcel shooter.
the fact you aren't in cop custody kind of casts suspicion on the accusations that you are deeply embedded with pedos
I am wondering if you had contact with the antioch shooter or the one femcel shooter.
No. I have friends who were, but despite the Antioch shooter following me, I had zero dms or interactions with either of them.
The fact that I've been accused of many terrible untrue things by this group
Who are you?

You are absolutely not fooling anyone man. You are either playing videogames or hanging out on the porch with your disabled family members that chainsmoke all day like every other guy who gets hatefully obsessed with me.