Pygmy Cattle - Small time cows, forgotten weirdos and others who don't deserve a thread


Ghost Town Sherrif
Know a cow that doesn't post much? Found a funny account that has been dead for a decade? Don't want to make a thread but think others might be interested?

All smaller cows can be posted here.
aeiou700 Video Archive
Going to archive some funny/crazy aeiou700 moments here

Iwama confronts two stalkers which turns into a brawl

The maked gentleman presents Iwama with gifts then leaves but then charges back at Iwama after he calls after him, MG can be seen walking away at the end of the video

Meme video featuring Iwama and other Japanese youtubers one of whom is called syamu. I don't get it but it's kinda funny

Iwama is throwing firecrackers at passing vehicles

The infamous and hilarious "Space Brothers" video. Iwama has an argument with his neighbors while their mother tries to calm them down

A car honks its horn in front of Iwamas house at night and he runs out to confront it but it is already gone

While biking home Iwama confronts a man sitting in his car near his house which turns into a small scuffle

Iwama opens his door to find it covered in leaflets, food and other junk. A man can be seen walking away backwards while filming Iwamas house

WHile riding his bike Iwama takes exception to another cyclist for unknown reason and follows him trying to attack him second video is Iwama being detained by locals for attacking the guy

A car blasts music in front of Iwama's house

A guy taunts and dances in front of Iwama

Compilation of stalkers interacting with Iwama

Compilation 2

Compilation 3

Acid Milk guy interaction

Iwama arrested while streaming

Iwama is kicked out of various stores in his area.

Very lengthy drama where Iwama's mother has some kind of medical emergency and is noticed by a passerby who calls an ambulance and tries to help. the police and paramedics arrive as onlookers start to accumulate as Iwama's mother or "Iwamama" as she is known is loaded into an ambulance. Iwama is then violently but I can't tell if this is because he was at fault or because he was harassing the paramedics or something.

Iwama has a confrontation with a man known as "white bald" who is thought of as much of a cow as Iwama. Iwakura santa can be seen from about 1:45 and Iwama mentions him again at 8:58. This was Gary's first entrance into the aeiou saga. After he realized Iwama recognized him he began to try to capitalize on it by making videos about him.

Iwama does a stream with a streamer named Maho-chan who is much younger than him. He seems excited to have a woman over. at 2:37 Maho points out a bottle full of a strange liquid which Iwama promptly hides. there is also speculation Iwama hid a camera in the bathroom as he keeps encouraging Maho to use the toilet if she needs to.
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I can do a comprehensive run-down but there’s a woman named Mothermoon/Erin Carroll/Swingler who was an autist tiktokker that started self diagnosing herself with random diseases based on one-off comments. She had a snark subreddit that hilariously imploded which is a fun ride on its own. She would probably be categorized as a lolcalf or munchausen's by internet idiot
I can do a comprehensive run-down but there’s a woman named Mothermoon/Erin Carroll/Swingler who was an autist tiktokker that started self diagnosing herself with random diseases based on one-off comments. She had a snark subreddit that hilariously imploded which is a fun ride on its own. She would probably be categorized as a lolcalf or munchausen's by internet idiot
Sounds like a good fit we could document her here until she goes full lolcow and needs her own thread.
I recall a DeviantArt user named Timewap1, who foolishly advocated for the U.S. government to ban adult art and fetishes online, yet was later found commenting on feet-related artwork of Parappa the Rapper.
Anyone here remember Nicky the Goth (Nickolaus Albert Pacione)? He was one of those sci-fi/horror author lolcows whose antics mostly predated CWC and the like. He was best known for being a total sperg and screeching at people who wrote better than he did (which was pretty much every author with the possible exception of Patrick Tomlinson). He got kicked off of various forums and sites for issuing death threats against people who "pirated" his books (even though most people were quoting them just to laugh at the awful writing and spelling). That ED article has most of the good stuff, but other than that, history seems to have forgotten this dude, though he resurfaces every so often chimping out at "piss bloggers" and anyone else who he doesn't like.
Callum Tew, a greasy schizo, diaper fetishist and ghost hunter is back (again):
His videos in bed cradling two Shaggy dolls while talking about infinite consciousness are what caught my attention. eg
He is so mush-mouthed and given to word salad he becomes boring quick. However, a 5 minute sideshow attraction is better than nothing.
Callum Tew, a greasy schizo, diaper fetishist and ghost hunter is back (again):
His videos in bed cradling two Shaggy dolls while talking about infinite consciousness are what caught my attention. eg
He is so mush-mouthed and given to word salad he becomes boring quick. However, a 5 minute sideshow attraction is better than nothing.
England's very own Pamperchu!
Whatever happened to Lagoona Blue? She was a Scottish(?) turbo-autist who was so obsessed with Chris-chan that her own parents had to tell her to stop talking about Chris-chan, if I remember correctly. She got on Kiwi Farms and was so annoying that she eventually got a thread there. There have been no meaningful updates since 2022 aside from a couple of retards still posting there occasionally, but I've seen some search results on KF that indicate that she still chimps out about shit on Facebook.

She had pictures of her MLP panties publicly available, and of course, upon discovery, one of those became her pfp (keep in mind she was like 23 when she was wearing these):

Here's the best picture I could find of her in the first few pictures of that KF thread:
Whatever happened to Lagoona Blue? She was a Scottish(?) turbo-autist who was so obsessed with Chris-chan that her own parents had to tell her to stop talking about Chris-chan, if I remember correctly. She got on Kiwi Farms and was so annoying that she eventually got a thread there. There have been no meaningful updates since 2022 aside from a couple of retards still posting there occasionally, but I've seen some search results on KF that indicate that she still chimps out about shit on Facebook.

She had pictures of her MLP panties publicly available, and of course, upon discovery, one of those became her pfp (keep in mind she was like 23 when she was wearing these):

Here's the best picture I could find of her in the first few pictures of that KF thread:
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Obviously if her family are keeping her away from internet drama? It's probably a good thing she hasn't caused a scene for awhile.