
I am way more tolerant than you give credit for. Ask around my reputation is clean.
Nobody I've asked knows who you even are. We're all scratching our heads wondering where you came from, as the membership of Onion Farms is near 100% kiwis yet we can't place you.

At this time you are best known for your 80 billion posts about how a supposed dogfucking, paypigging Chase sock is wrong on the Internet, and a handful of intelligent, well-written effortposts.
Now you're sounding like Josh
Be open to discussions that may challenge your own opinions.
We have 22 members, not counting my test dummies, that one guy who left, or your second user account. The problem you are speaking of does not exist at this time.
I there is more then then what appears at first glance you seem very touchy on this issue. The rainbow Mafia sucks to deal with as they have a habit of co-oping spaces. Trannies in particular can become a nuisance I'm not saying they are but it's something to consider.
I am sick and fucking tired of being lumped in with trannies. If you were gay and saw through the tranny bullshit you'd feel the same way. I am far from the only kiwi who has these feelings.
You might want to really spell it out as some people don't consider it Csam
Maybe I will.
The catler drama was a good example of issues that arise with the furry fandom.
No. The Catler drama is a good example of what happens when something which was only known to a few dozen people on a site with thousands of daily logins gets exposed to everyone. And it was not a bad thing for Kiwi Farms.

Catler isn't even a member here, as far as I can tell.
I think I'll clarify to better sharpen my point. Yes in principle anyone being a contributing member in good standing with the community should be allowed.
This doesn't mean blindly ignoring that some groups bring with them inherently negative traits. That may not align with your own vision of this online community.
I know far more about furries from my 20 years in their fandom than you'll ever learn from WikiFur.

I am not outright banning furries. There is absolutely no reason to treat them differently from any other kind of kiwi.
I know far more about furries from my 20 years in their fandom than you'll ever learn from WikiFur.

I am not outright banning furries. There is absolutely no reason to treat them differently from any other kind of kiwi.
Here's a polished version of the text, maintaining the same tone and conversational style:

"What makes a good joke, you know? It's that it has some kind of truth behind it. Of course, completely banning them wouldn't be functional. Building them a clubhouse, on the other hand, is a different story altogether.

We agree on more things than you might think. There's no reason not to discuss matters like this, and I think it's essential to explore these topics.

If you think of this place as a town or village, then what is its founding culture? Well, that comes from its foundational members, and later, the migrants who flock here to join. As time goes by, it will shift with the sentiments of the time and its people.

For now, I ask: what is your vision, goals, and the point of all that you have done so far? What do you hope to achieve, and how do you see this community evolving in the future?"

If you need verification of who I am. You will be happy to know I have two people who Know my entire posting history on the farms because they have been entrusted with my original account name. It's a long history with many wonderful years of postings to reflect
We agree on more things than you might think.
I don't doubt that.
There's no reason not to discuss matters like this, and I think it's essential to explore these topics.
I'm not outright banning furries.
If you think of this place as a town or village, then what is its founding culture? Well, that comes from its foundational members, and later, the migrants who flock here to join. As time goes by, it will shift with the sentiments of the time and its people.
We're all kiwis and it'll probably be a long time before we see people who didn't come from KF.
For now, I ask: what is your vision, goals, and the point of all that you have done so far? What do you hope to achieve, and how do you see this community evolving in the future?"
I want this forum to be a place for burned kiwis to call home. The longer term goal is to grow much larger than Onion Farms, and hopefully either surpass Kiwi Farms in numbers or be in position to take over if/when Kiwi Farms dies.

I'm not 100% sure what OF's problem is or why it hasn't grown past 10-15 active users. I've always suspected the problem to be Ken and the stigma surrounding him, and this venture is a good test of that theory given that I'm very different compared to Ken.
If you need verification of who I am. You will be happy to know I have two people who Know my entire posting history on the farms because they have been entrusted with my original account name. It's a long history with many wonderful years of postings to reflect

My KF username is Gargamel, btw.
If you need verification of who I am. You will be happy to know I have two people who Know my entire posting history on the farms because they have been entrusted with my original account name. It's a long history with many wonderful years of postings to reflect
All this really tells me is that you told two people you were X user it doesn't really verify who you are. I could tell two people I'm Null doesn't make it true.
Nobody I've asked knows who you even are. We're all scratching our heads wondering where you came from, as the membership of Onion Farms is near 100% kiwis yet we can't place you
However, I do have people who can and will vouch for me because they have my original Kiwi handle. I've kept my personal details to myself and my Kiwi Farms history tight, as I prefer to keep my opsec tight. I understand that it can be a bit disconcerting to have a new face pop up out of nowhere, especially when the community is close-knit. I assure you that my intentions are genuine. I didn't give my kiwi handle on onion farms because in the how did you get banned section Josh was so upset he removed my username from the post proclaim Why was banned. It does show I did post some of my history.
At this time you are best known for your 80 billion posts about how a supposed dogfucking, paypigging Chase sock is wrong on the Internet,
You're right, I should let it go. To be fair, though, Ken should have taken action after the disturbing Loli skizo postings and the leaked "sex" audio, as it could be seen as revenge porn or harassment.

Instead, Ken started posting about Tibetan monks or something, which seems completely unrelated and absurd. Honestly, the whole situation is just bizarre.
and a handful of intelligent, well-written effortposts.
Thank you. I may not make threads, however, I still engage and keep the dialogue going.
Maybe I will.

No. The Catler drama is a good example of what happens when something which was only known to a few dozen people on a site with thousands of daily logins gets exposed to everyone. And it was not a bad thing for Kiwi Farms.
Catler isn't even a member here, as far as I can tell.
There was more to it such as the accusations of the boy kisser discord and telegram groups.

And his best friend on the sight was caught discussing bestiality
All this really tells me is that you told two people you were X user it doesn't really verify who you are. I could tell two people I'm Null doesn't make it true.
The fact that they're willing to vouch for me, and even provide proof, speaks to the depth of our online acquaintance. Having known me across three platforms and five accounts, they have a unique understanding of my online presence. It's telling that complete strangers would be willing to go to such lengths to vouch for me - it's a testament to the connections I've made online.
The fact that they're willing to vouch for me, and even provide proof, speaks to the depth of our online acquaintance. Having known me across three platforms and five accounts, they have a unique understanding of my online presence. It's telling that complete strangers would be willing to go to such lengths to vouch for me - it's a testament to the connections I've made online.
If they existed you would have said by now.
If they existed you would have said by now.
Well, if you want to talk to them, I suppose they wouldn't mind. I was waiting to ask them, just in case, out of respect.

@Shadfan666xxx000 and I have a bit of history, actually. We've been following each other across all three platforms. I invited him here, and he invited me to the Onion as well. @Enward R. Jenkins can vouch for me, as we've had interactions on multiple platforms.
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However, I do have people who can and will vouch for me because they have my original Kiwi handle. I've kept my personal details to myself and my Kiwi Farms history tight, as I prefer to keep my opsec tight. I understand that it can be a bit disconcerting to have a new face pop up out of nowhere, especially when the community is close-knit. I assure you that my intentions are genuine. I didn't give my kiwi handle on onion farms because in the how did you get banned section Josh was so upset he removed my username from the post proclaim Why was banned. It does show I did post some of my history.
You have something to hide.

Did you watch the video? The man in the video had something to hide too, namely the fact that he does not work for DoJ and is not a cop in any capacity.
You're right, I should let it go. To be fair, though, Ken should have taken action after the disturbing Loli skizo postings and the leaked "sex" audio, as it could be seen as revenge porn or harassment.

Instead, Ken started posting about Tibetan monks or something, which seems completely unrelated and absurd. Honestly, the whole situation is just bizarre.
I suspect Ken is suffering from something more than autism at this point. I feel sorry for him.

He should have deleted all three of you, honestly. It's a circular argument, it didn't need to last for more than a page. Instead, you three quadrupled the page count of the Pippa Pipkin thread. That's essentially spam.
There was more to it such as the accusations of the boy kisser discord and telegram groups.
I've taken my investigation of Catler to it's logical end. I've written a lot about the Catler fiasco. I am not interested in repeating myself and barring new evidence there's nothing more to say about it. People need to lay the fuck off and leave him be.

@Shadfan666xxx000 and I have a bit of history, actually. We've been following each other across all three platforms. I invited him here,
I invited @Shadfan666xxx000, you revisionist fuck. He was the third person to come over and this was before you knew this place existed. I do wonder what connection he actually has to you and why you invited him to that DM between you, me, and your other user account. One doesn't accidentally invite people to XenForo DMs, after all. He was totally silent in that DM chain too. You people don't think I notice this spooky bullshit you got going on, and you're dead wrong.
@Enward R. Jenkins can vouch for me, as we've had interactions on multiple platforms.
Explain who this person is. While you're at it, tell us your KF username.
View attachment 382
How come you're so concerned about furries when your girl is out here posting incest stuff?
I wasn't aware he had...
You just can't pick good references these these days. Still though he can vouch for me despite he's questionable tastes. Though he's posting that so perhaps ask him about. Instead of question me. You ask for proof of a reference. I provided one.
I wasn't aware he had...
You just can't pick good references these these days. Still though he can vouch for me despite he's questionable tastes. Though he's posting that so perhaps ask him about. Instead of question me. You ask for proof of a reference. I provided one.
You obviously don't know these people as well as you think and I'd wager vice versa.
You have something to hide.
No however you are being needlessly intrusive.
Did you watch the video? The man in the video had something to hide too, namely the fact that he does not work for DoJ and is not a cop in any capacity.
No why what video ?
I suspect Ken is suffering from something more than autism at this point. I feel sorry for him.
Yeah something is off about him. Hard to read him sometimes
He should have deleted all three of you, honestly. It's a circular argument, it didn't need to last for more than a page. Instead, you three quadrupled the page count of the Pippa P
If what's how you see it apples/ oranges.
Still I did just make peace to show willingness to be a be more considerate to Ken and the others..
ipkin thread. That's essentially spam.
Yeah It always was. The guy who stated was a lolifag. And most of what Chase was posting was just incorrect and repetitive.
I've taken my investigation of Catler to it's logical end. I've written a lot about the Catler fiasco. I am not interested in repeating myself and barring new evidence there's nothing more to say about it. People need to lay the fuck off and leave him be.
He was a friend wasn't he?
I invited @Shadfan666xxx000, you revisionist fuck.
If he sign up before me doesn't change the validity of my statements. I said we both signed on across all three sights. When or who invented who is not really relevant.
He was the third person to come over and this was before you knew this place existed. I do wonder what connection he actually has to you and why you invited him to that DM between you,
Well go ask him we mostly use it just to shoot the shit. He's very pleasant company.
me, and your other user account. One doesn't accidentally invite people to XenForo DMs, after all. He was totally silent in that DM chain too.
No he posted a couple times. About user I believe.
You people don't think I notice this spooky bullshit you got going on, and you're dead wrong.
Such as?
Explain who this person is. While you're at it, tell us your KF username.
I see know reason to comply with your request. I see no need to my expose accounts outside of the ones I've chosen too.
The idea that you wouldn't know what people you call friends and have been following over multiple sites are posting is somewhat ridiculous no?
Why it's an anonymous image board. I keep it informal. why do usual give out your personal details on onionfarms or kiwifarms? Or do you have a habit of prying into them like you are now? I rather don't myself..
If he sign up before me doesn't change the validity of my statements.
This is literally what you said though:
@Shadfan666xxx000 ... I invited him here,
And it's simply not true. He knew about this site back when it existed only on my laptop, back when it had only three forums and a dumb picture of Josh, which is about a week prior to knowledge of it being leaked publicly by Socky.

Now he might've told you about it in secret, I dunno. It doesn't change the fact that you're trying to revise the history of my forum to make your story sound more legit.

Maybe @Shadfan666xxx000 could help us understand exactly what his relationship to you is, and who exactly you are on KF.
Why it's an anonymous image board.
No, XenForo forums are not anonymous and they are not imageboards.