Thanksgiving: Based or Cringe?

The Dumbitch Horror

Smelly Skelly
Hobo Loco Mofo
Our jewish overlord seems to think it's really tragic that America conquered a bunch of lost descendants of Mongolia who wasted thousands of years talking to the Great Pinecone Spirit or whatever instead of developing technology but I think it's a fun way of celebrating American superiority while indulging in a touch of gluttony. Does the truth lie somewhere in between?
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Gargamel's attitude isn't surprising, we've been sexting in DMs and he told me he is half Objiwe (Canadian). His cock is Indian red btw.
"50 pearls? What do you need 40 feathers for? Why would you try to take my last 30 pinecones? 20 beads is way too much. Officer, Help! This bigot is trying to steal my last 10 pebbles! You'll be hearing from my lawyer about those 50 pearls you still owe me"
Our jewish overlord seems to think it's really tragic that America conquered a bunch of lost descendants of Mongolia who wasted thousands of years talking to the Great Pinecone Spirit or whatever instead of developing technology but I think it's a fun way of celebrating American superiority while indulging in a touch of gluttony. Does the truth lie somewhere in between?
I think plagiarizing the concept of the harvest festival, to redress it as something to do with peace between Puritans and Indians
was cringe. But ignoring that, the food is okay I guess.
I find everything to do with the chugs to be cringe. I was fairly ambivalent in regards to them before spending time near/on rezzes and can now firmly say that most of them are absolute prairie niggers. Honestly, I find them worse than blacks. We wuz muhfuggin noble savages and sheeit