So I've been hearing a lot about how 2024 tech grads are essentially telling prospective employers (tech companies) "you will employ me on MY terms" and employers are now saying "we're not hiring recent grads" in response. Now I feel the zoomers here. Big corporations are absolutely miserable places to work for and something really needs to be done about them. It'd be interesting to see how this plays out, and if the zoomers can eventually force the hand of these giant corporations currently trying to freeze them out. Well I mean it would be, except...
Trump has done a 180 on the legal immigrant issue, and now says he's going to expand the H1B work visa program. Now for those who don't know, H1B allows "educated" people to come to America for the purposes of employment under sponsership by an employer, and requires the visa holder to work for said employer for a certain amount of time, after which the visa holder can start the process of gaining citizenship. The immigrant can be cut loose for any reason, and if this happens they have to go home, ie. they can't stay in America. It employs mostly Indians, and benefits mostly rich people and tech corporations.
So what does this have to do with zoomers? Under Trump leadership, each and every one of them will be replaced by an Indian, and we're going to see part of a generation completely fucked over by lack of available jobs and crippling student loan debt.
Trump has done a 180 on the legal immigrant issue, and now says he's going to expand the H1B work visa program. Now for those who don't know, H1B allows "educated" people to come to America for the purposes of employment under sponsership by an employer, and requires the visa holder to work for said employer for a certain amount of time, after which the visa holder can start the process of gaining citizenship. The immigrant can be cut loose for any reason, and if this happens they have to go home, ie. they can't stay in America. It employs mostly Indians, and benefits mostly rich people and tech corporations.
So what does this have to do with zoomers? Under Trump leadership, each and every one of them will be replaced by an Indian, and we're going to see part of a generation completely fucked over by lack of available jobs and crippling student loan debt.