What are you up to?

I, for a short time, lived on the second floor in a shitty part of town. Never seen any ambulances, but a couple times a week could go on the balcony and watch COPS live.

I moved out of there quick as I could.
This isn't even the bad part of town, but you know how the British are infamous for having a clusterfuck of a drinking culture? It's like that in Norway too. It's the only time I have ever seen a ambulance here though.
The girls that did look at the patient before going inside home, looked to be early 20's
So the pants I recently bought came yesterday, I ordered it from a a small business in France and the sarouel/harem pants was made in Nepal. Because stuff that isn't trending is simply not sold in Norway. And yes, Norwegians do usually use tight fitting clothes even in summer. Truly a masochistic population.
The pants came in this bag, and it might be old news. But I have never seen a bag made of newspaper, and I think it's such a neat idea
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Started incline walking while watching 2-3 hour videos on youtube. Tried jogging in the past, but it wrecks my laygs after a few weeks.

Took down a few plaques with Palestine propaganda of the "It's not controversial to feel bad for the kids" sort of message. It didn't state which side it was for, but the majority in Norway is for terror/Palestine. Which is so fucking bizarre, as Norway are supposed to be all read up on this shit.

Went ham on Etsy, I didn't have a problem with buying all my stuff from Versace. But clothes, I feel guilty for spending more than fast fashion sums of money. Even through it's a knitted cardigan of 100% wool and shirt and pants of 100% hemp. I learned why hemp is expensive, even if it grows faster, needs less water than cotton and is longer lasting than it too. Because it's not really grown as much, because it is the cannabis plant. So stigma.

Same size, but in beige
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The t-shirt, not the tank top.
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I hope the insides of this place don’t look as bad as Kengle’s do (his servers look like Tetris)
Lounge 96 is built on a solid foundation. It's insides are nothing like Ken's abortion.
Took down a few plaques with Palestine propaganda of the "It's not controversial to feel bad for the kids" sort of message. It didn't state which side it was for, but the majority in Norway is for terror/Palestine. Which is so fucking bizarre, as Norway are supposed to be all read up on this shit.
They celebrated in the streets on live television on the morning of 9/11, so I can't give a shit about their current situation.

The fascist Zionist ethnostate can also get fucked.
Went ham on Etsy, I didn't have a problem with buying all my stuff from Versace. But clothes, I feel guilty for spending more than fast fashion sums of money. Even through it's a knitted cardigan of 100% wool and shirt and pants of 100% hemp. I learned why hemp is expensive, even if it grows faster, needs less water than cotton and is longer lasting than it too. Because it's not really grown as much, because it is the cannabis plant. So stigma.
Hemp had a promising future in America until the government got involved. Too bad, seeing as we have so much land to grow it on, as does our trading partner Mexico.
It is 51-53 fahrenheit, I went in shorts and a sweater to the gym. Felt a little self conscious, because everybody else was dressed like it was late fall. Like shit, this is actual ideal summer temperature.
Got these UGG branded, shoes/slippers? I got a little influenced by the UGG Goldenstar hype from tiktok, but I wanted a chill shoe. The pair I used made my feet superheated. The UGG's is actually amazing, but I have actually only seen one pair of Goldenstar in the wild.
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My wi-fi has been down for since Sunday, because of a faulty power adapter. I haven't watched my daily otter videos, because I watched youtube in 144p to conserve mobile data.
