What are you watching?

The part about him not giving funding and seeing the governor of Maine in court. Just saw a comment about how "disgusting" it was of him to speak to her that way. Like, he is their boss. If you talked like that to every other boss, you would be fired. So him giving her a second chance is actually very kind of him (and naive). Woke propaganda like men playing in women's sports has become reality because you give chances to radical leftwingers.

The whole spectacle looks like a bunch of shitty kids whining, because there is a parental figure that actually have rules set out for them. Similar to how kids in divorce cases favour the parent that are more lax about rules, even though the rules would make them grow up much better.

But I kind of agree that Zelensky should ass lick Trump more. I just see him demanding more and more funding, like it's obvious and not even thanking. And yea, he has sent out millions of men to die, just to lose regardless. All for nothing.