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What makes this the best forum ever?


I'm glad you asked. Because this forum, unlike its competitors, has a unique feature unknown to users of rival sites.

That is... This sticker:

How long have you browsed inferior web forums, from among the cheap knock-offs imitating the Xenforo Community, and thought to yourself, "if only I could react with a simple lol?" Well now, you can. Tolerate the inability to express laughter, on a site dedicated to laughing online, no longer, and register today.
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I'm glad you asked. Because this forum, unlike its competitors, has a unique feature unknown to users of rival sites.

That is... This sticker:
View attachment 272

How long have you browsed inferior web forums from among the cheap knock-offs imitating the Xenforo Community, and thought to yourself, "if only I could react with a simple lol?" Well now, you can. Tolerate the inability to express laughter, on a site dedicated to laughing online, no longer, and register today.
What no love for Uncle Kanabō's boobie thread?
oh! now that's a thread title....
Uh oh I drew the attention of @Jimmy Potter boys and girls we've got our Resident sticker sperg.
James no one here gives a fuck about our scores, Gargs could make mine 911 to remind me of that tragedy forever or 6,000,000 so I would never forget and I still would forget I had a score to begin with.
Oh my god... can we get a friendly merchant Gargamel sticker? That would be the best thing to post whenever he mods
I don't know about 'best' but I'd like to make this a good forum by posting high quality threads and trying for something fun as well. Maybe some old school type forum games?