OF General 1.0

I recall someone saying she was a foreigner he brought here to marry, which seems like the only option for an actual schizophrenic who will throw tantrums when you tell him it's wrong and insane to give a guy who was arrested for child abuse moderator powers on your website because he spent time sucking up to you.

Nonce Geist might be the dumbest craziest fuck on there besides Ken, he's now convinced himself I have felonies because he typed my name into some scam background check site asking for money. They must really be gutting the NHS if this guy and similar freakshow smartschoolboy9 are allowed to run around freely over there.
I recall someone saying she was a foreigner he brought here to marry, which seems like the only option for an actual schizophrenic who will throw tantrums when you tell him it's wrong and insane to give a guy who was arrested for child abuse moderator powers on your website because he spent time sucking up to you.
Autistic gets him going too.
Nonce Geist might be the dumbest craziest fuck on there besides Ken, he's now convinced himself I have felonies because he typed my name into some scam background check site asking for money. They must really be gutting the NHS if this guy and similar freakshow smartschoolboy9 are allowed to run around freely over there.
Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 14-22-22 Hello I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Page 3 Onionfarms.png.webp

No, I'm not a retard. Ken obviously reopened the Ashley forum because he's desperate for user activity because he sees Lounge 96 as a threat to loli96's very existence.

Every time Ken does the right thing, he does a 180 and causes more problems for himself. He is incapable of learning from mistakes. He is supporting of anyone who will suck his dick, which has backfired on him numerous times. He wants to be infamous like Josh, but he's simply incapable. But that doesn't stop him from trying anyway.

He should have handed the site over to someone more capable of actually running it, but that's antithetical to his dream of being the onion version of Josh.
I don't understand why OF is obsessed with Ash. If you don't like her, ignore her then. And why should she care about a retard that have had her dox for a while? He is clearly not a threat.
I don't understand why OF is obsessed with Ash. If you don't like her, ignore her then. And why should she care about a retard that have had her dox for a while? He is clearly not a threat.
A-logs gonna a-log.
Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 17-05-45 attachments are broken. fix it Onionfarms.png.webp

🤣 Nice try, pedo.
I think Pedofails is describing his wet dream. But lol, he's really coping and seething about you telling him to GTFO:story:
No, I'm not a retard. Ken obviously reopened the Ashley forum because he's desperate for user activity because he sees Lounge 96 as a threat to loli96's very existence.
It's mind blowing people don't see that guy as a mentally ill stalker retard and treat him accordingly, he's been obsessed with me for years and he never adds anything to discussions that aren't about me. He also seems like he's barely literate or not a native english speaker. Like buddies do you really not find it off kilter he uses a 15+ year old image of me for an avatar? Normal people would clock that as an action of a guy with extreme emotional problems that is not doing well in the real world.

Then it comes out they all love posting with a guy who posted jailbait because he's nice to them and it makes total sense.
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It's mind blowing people don't see that guy as a mentally ill stalker retard
It's mind blowing you've been repeating yourself for 5 years without understanding we're all Kiwi Farmers and can't relate to your squealing about stalker childs or muh racism or any of the other shit you're always on about.
Like buddies do you really not find it off kilter he uses a 15+ year old image of me for an avatar?
No, retard. You've repeatedly signalled how much it irritates you, so it's going to continue. Oh woe is you, if only there was a way to get off this whacky ride.

Btw you were right about this guy being a low functioning narc on top of a pedo, I never paid attention to him before but look how quickly he shifts from "uwu I respect your feelings let's get along and have a pleasant discussion space" to going psychotic mode against anyone who challenges the "integrity of the community". He's only been around a few months and he's learned to parrot Ken's delusions that nobody including him believes or takes seriously, why does this fuck care about a site he's put no money into or the 12 disgruntled nerds on it? Guys like this flit around groups looking for one toxic or dumb enough to not send them packing, he was probably licking his lips watching Ken's glazed eyes Baby Huey voiced address video. He'll probably flatter his way into Ken's social security checks by the end of the year.

Another classic narc tactic is posting porn that gets increasingly dicey and illegal seeming as a "bonding" technique to locate the predators and weirdos you can manipulate and extort later. That had the Crimson Fucker neckbeard both talking about his porn habits and giving away his ripe old age within a few days time. I really hope no underage kid bumbles onto onionfarms because both those creeps are going to be sliding into their Dms grooming them.

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It's mind blowing you've been repeating yourself for 5 years without understanding we're all Kiwi Farmers and can't relate to your squealing about stalker childs or muh racism or any of the other shit you're always on about.

No, retard. You've repeatedly signalled how much it irritates you, so it's going to continue. Oh woe is you, if only there was a way to get off this whacky ride.
Do you have anyone in your life that hasn't given up on you?

And no he's obsessed with me because I called him a stupid incel and said he seems like a guy who bit the teacher in school and he's hurt about how true it is. He's been hurt about it for years. Did you not have a father to tell you how unmanly and weird it is to do stuff like that to women, Dan?
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Lol ken and his flying monkeys can't stop reading this and are so upset they're misposting to the wrong threads. Don't you need to be up early to molest disabled people in the shower, ken? To quote tyler the creator just close your eyes nigga.

Gossip is such a childish term for me telling you you're a fat divorced failure who surrounds himself with sex pests. Strain yourself and try to figure out a different, more adult word for that without shitting your pants.
Do you have anyone in your life that hasn't given up on you?
Gargamel believes in me, which is enough 😁
Did you not have a father to tell you how unmanly and weird it is to do stuff like that to women, Dan?
My pappy taught me an ugly woman is in essence a man with a vagina and men with vaginas should be beaten, wherever they are found
Gargamel believes in me, which is enough 😁

My pappy taught me an ugly woman is in essence a man with a vagina and men with vaginas should be beaten, wherever they are found
You're a hideously ugly ginger dwarf whose best job this last year was being a carny, I'm not sure who convinced you that you should be going around offering misogynistic opinions on the looks of strangers but it was probably the same guy who told you that people who don't cower at your dysfunctional manchild behavior and broken brain have it coming. Sorry the onion pedos kicked you out though, I'm sure they were the closest thing you've had to a peer group in years.
By the way dan do you really think im here to make friends and influence people? Are we in middle school? You're the same age as me, grow up and get a life you creepy little faggot not everything is some grand machiavellian struggle
You're a hideously ugly ginger dwarf
Only my beard is red, which inherently makes me beautiful
I'm not sure who convinced you that you should be going around offering misogynistic opinions on the looks of strangers
Where did I say anything misogynistic? That's not my style
You're the same age as me, grow up and get a life you creepy little faggot.
You're not 27, ya fat liar
Only my beard is red, which inherently makes me beautiful

Where did I say anything misogynistic? That's not my style

You're not 27, ya fat liar
View attachment 1951
Tell me more about how you think an autistic incel who can't stop posting about me because I injured his little faggot ego and made him cry 5 years ago is an epic troll and constantly winning, Dan. He's so angry he reads my every post here, on a site he doesn't even post on. The fact you identify so strongly with that embarrassing unrelenting retard (who has said child abuse is no biggie) says more about your relationships with people than you'd admit.

Let's be real I haven't said anything to you half as mean as the OF neckbeards yet you keep going at me for their approval. Pretty pathetic. You feel entitled to peoples' (especially womens) attention then when you don't get positive feedback you want to think you're just the awesome victim in a world of uppity bitches but the truth is you're an abusive pigfucker and a loser for the ages and people learn to keep you out of their lives quickly.
Meanwhile on loli96:
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 07-23-28 Lounge 96 Page 33 Onionfarms.png.webp

Ashley's #1 a-log thinks I'm a moron for letting her post here, when she hasn't done anything here to get swept or banned.

Meanwhile, their own Onionführer won't allow it on loli96. Jelly much?

Let's not forget the fact that every time Ken reintroduces the Ashley forum, something scary and threatening happens behind the scenes and he suddenly makes it go away. Then a couple months later he'll bring it back, only to have the same thing happen. He causes his own problems, and he's going to fuck himself very badly one of these days.
This shit reminds me of the KingCobraJFS being the devil itself situation. The only one that did start a slapfight with her is @HaLuigi and he started it.
The more I read into this, I get the impression that people did try to fuck with her and couldn't handle getting it handed back.
The fact you identify so strongly with that embarrassing unrelenting retard
Omg, he's literally me 🤩
This shit reminds me of the KingCobraJFS being the devil itself situation.
Luv mi Cobes, Spitter Spies rise up
The only one that did start a slapfight with her is @HaLuigi and he started it.
So what? You should think of it as a feature, Kengle certainly does. That was the whole point of reopening her board on loli96. He's not mad about her talking about him, he wants her to come back because a day of bantzing with her is worth 100 Nigeria threads in terms of user engagement.
On the note of retarded pedophile Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, he's desperately trying to bait Ashley into coming back with this article about a woman with a similar name


At least I think it's bait? I've heard extreme autists have a thing with facial blindness. Either way, I'm sure Ashley will oblige him by being the content he lacks
So what? You should think of it as a feature, Kengle certainly does. That was the whole point of reopening her board on loli96. He's not mad about her talking about him, he wants her to come back because a day of bantzing with her is worth 100 Nigeria threads in terms of user engagement.
I didn't say it was a negative, just saying that I haven't seen her starting anything here. I don't see the appeal in bantering with her, but if you do. All the power to you.