Daniel Lopez (blog)

Lol you severely overestimate how uncomfortable I've been. 120 of those days were spent fulfilling a bucket list item, the other 180 have been spent having retarded misadventures between spells of full time work. Pretty fulfilling overall. Hell, I don't like discussing how much I make flying a sign but it would definitely make you mad at me and resentful of whatever part time dollar store job you're chained to.
You're stuck in Chattanigger, I'm drifting through lovely places with zero obligation than the couple bills I pay to remain online antagonizing miserable idiots like you
Alcohol prompted this off the cuff rant but I was originally saying you should read some celebrated og dirtbags to become better at telling stories, not whatever this is. Oh well.
I had fun the several times I went, sorry you're a pussy.
Why would I be a pussy for not wanting to live in Mogadishu, Georgia? It's not like "urban" areas experience disproportionate amounts of random violence, right?
Also come on, your fat trailer ass is basically ideal for the chicken grease stained coons of Atlanta. I can tell from the very Funko Pop look of the soysband that you're down for a little monkey bone
Why would I be a pussy for not wanting to live in Mogadishu, Georgia? It's not like "urban" areas experience disproportionate amounts of random violence, right?
Also come on, your fat trailer ass is basically ideal for the chicken grease stained coons of Atlanta. I can tell from the very Funko Pop look of the soysband that you're down for a little monkey bone
Because all the good music acts go there, dumbass. I just turned my thermostat up to a cozy 60, are you jealous?
My Jew blood is too cold for 60.
Yeah you guys normally have to sleep on a warm rock underneath a heating lamp 😏
Got an interview tomorrow 🤌🏻
Should be an insta hire scenario. Hopefully I can get back in with plasma today, it'd be a real pain having to fly a sign I between shifts just to make it until I get a check in my pocket.
Got in with a new clinic, so $650 new donor bonus for my first month. Can't nigger away any of it until I get my 'puter and such out of pawn sadly but I'm happy to have all my petty hobo bills paid for 8 hours effort/month. I think I'm gonna get a pet rat to kick it with soon. Hoping I can find a younger one so it's easier to train to road dog with me. The ideal is to have a well trained sewer kitty that's down to ride around in my jacket and not fight the system when I try throwing a wee harness and leash on my fren, Spamtaro