Daniel Lopez (blog)

i saw a ginger homeless bum last night walking up and down an off ramp with his hand out, have you lost weight recently dan? i couldn't read your sign it was too small
i saw a ginger homeless bum last night walking up and down an off ramp with his hand out, have you lost weight recently dan? i couldn't read your sign it was too small
Polonium, I doubt that was me. I am glad to hear you still think about me , U and/or Wu.
But no, I am still large / in charge, strong, independent, black+woman and I don't need no man
How many homeless gingers are there in America? 🤔
It's the rarest hair color globally, so not that many I'd imagine. Only my beard is red tho, my hair is dirty blonde when I allow it to grow out
I also want to know the population of homeless albinos
In all my travels, I've only met one and he was a negro.

Tangentially, I am moving cities soon. Will be much more vocal again afterwards :)