Daniel Lopez (blog)

It was unreasonably cold so I checked into a hostel. Incredibly comfy for only $35. Having a plate of lamb vindaloo before I go try donating plasma. Got all my little bills paid through March so I can focus on getting my 'puter back already
Which is unfortunate since I have things I need to be doing. I was so fevery and overly sensitive to the cold that I gave up the ghost and went to crash in my storage unit. I've been avoiding staying in this one since I still have way too much shit to comfortably ruck on my back and it'll be an uncomfortable day or so before I would be able to get into another, plus this one is a nationwide chain and I really don't want to be blacklisted.
Beyond LITERALLY DYING, things have been great. I'm in my hometown so I have plenty of old friends to run into throughout the day. Despite what Internet spergs would assume, I've taken great care to protect my reputation on these skreets, particularly here at homebase.
A thing about being back here that's warmed the old ticker has been the fact that none of the homies have died. It's a wide social net I've cast so you'd assume someone would've bit the dust while I've been elsewhere but amazingly, nope. There's still a few cast members I'm looking for but the fact I stay nomadic out here instead of a single area is likely the cause.
Things are gonna be ok, other than me dying
Asked the wrong guy for a smoke.
He flicks some shit in my direction.
I sidestep, as I do.
"What motherfucker, not good enough for you?"
•pulls a fucking gun on me to express his displeasure with my boojeeness
Be careful. Your body is really all you got, and once it starts snowballing you're totally fucked.
Yeah, getting old is gay. My blood test did show an elevated amount of clotting, so my initial theory may have been right. They about to do an ultrasound on my leg.