Yesterday kengle laid dan to rest. As I gather, Crimson Fucker, our beloved edgelord tranny who carries water for pædophiles, convinced Ken with 0 evidence that Dan was behind the OF ban on new twitter. This was too much for Ken and so he banned him. Now, we all know it probably was Daniel but...
i bought a cute teal and white faberware ceramic knife last month, it slices my vegetables up excellently. i look forward to years of sharpness and put my total trust in faberware to deliver just that
A very quotable post on the VQ. To be perfectly honest LoungeTube, Vore seems normal to me now that I learned how it fits on the fisting scale. I'd love a similar post explaining the man nipple question. Also, it looks like incest can be added to the fetishes.
Could we compile a list of senor lopez's fetishes?
Dear diary, today Daniel posted this:
is vore only when people get eaten? and what do you call the person who wants to be the inserted thing rather than inserting the thing? it is like being a bottom in the vore relationship. (That said, I...
I'd like to believe it's william holden typing out all his posts because he larps as an old guy. hopefully he doesn't keep a nightstand near his computer.
last friday dan graced us with a picture of his feet. In a PM to me he confirmed these are his feet, they are hairless and gracile like a lady's, but belong to him.
But he has shown us more than that.
Most famously, to all 12 members of Onion Farms, he displayed his yams on May 25th. He...