Ashley Stankowski

The Dumbitch Horror

Smelly Skelly
Hobo Loco Mofo
Lol getting mad my grandparents left me like 15k. I've admitted I don't deserve a lot of the things I'm blessed with and think they should be a right for other people.

Have you thought about going to community college or something? My husband learned to do a lot of car maintenance himself and repaired a transmission last year which saved us a lot of money, maybe you should get a skill instead of obsessing about unremarkable people to the point it's effecting your mental health.
A guy who's spent the last year bragging that he screamed faggot at night guards and sleeping behind dumpsters wants everyone to know he's a better human than Black people for Reasons. Oh no dan please don't drink yourself to death you have so much to give the world and so many will be heartbroken
Where I live is close to 30% Black
the most noxious and intimidating group I encounter are angry white men expressing themselves online.
Like I said, you need to go spend some time interacting with these assorted jigs and nigs. You've sequestered yourself in your home (which you did nothing to earn) with a box of wine ever since Mimaw died and have developed some really stupid opinions based on nothing but your interactions on the internet, seething fatzoid
Like I said, you need to go spend some time interacting with these assorted jigs and nigs.
This declaration is especially funny since you went out of your way to spend time with some nasty autistic loser who apparently only avoided prison for sexual assault because his rich white daddy kept getting him out of trouble. Totes aweshom to spend time with lolcow cobes d00d almost as aweshome as white supremacy.

You truly are a spiritually bankrupt waste of time, sorry your trashy parents brought you shame or abused you or whatever but please stop trying to dampen my doorstep. I dunno if you've noticed but even other trump voting retards loathe being called racist.
some nasty autistic loser who apparently only avoided prison for sexual assault because his rich white daddy kept getting him out of trouble.
What the fuck are you even talking about, you awful cunt? As a long term viewer of Cobra, Josh has never done anything approximating sexual assault. He hates sickos with a passion and it's not some kind of weird projection.
Has your stupid alcoholic hillbilly brain mixed the lore of Cyrax and Cobra?
What the fuck are you even talking about, you awful cunt? As a long term viewer of Cobra, Josh has never done anything approximating sexual assault. He hates sickos with a passion and it's not some kind of weird projection.
Has your stupid alcoholic hillbilly brain mixed the lore of Cyrax and Cobra?
It's right on the first page on the kf thread about him idiot, he said he was touching girls in hs on stream in 21. I will not look further into it because I do not care. Your lord and savior Trump who you threw away a perfectly good job for has a list of sexual assaults against white women 20 miles long and was epstein's bestie and was successfully sued by a white woman for sexual assault just recently. You have oddly little to say on that but so much to say about da jigs. I don't have time for cross eyed inbred racist trash like you judging any part of my life unsolicited especially since your stupid ass just got put in detox. Please find a nice cold canal to drown in and leave me alone.
he was touching girls in hs
Oh the humanity, high schoolers being horny? Autistic children not yet having developed clear understanding of the world?
Your lord and savior Trump
Your box wine brain really thinks I'm a Trump supporter? Yeah, can't wait for another 4 years of WNs cheering on the biggest Zionist president we've ever had. Who else will keep the Middle East forever wars going and continue dumping our resources into the illegitimate state of Israel? 🙄
I don't have time for cross eyed inbred racist trash like you judging any part of my life unsolicited especially since your stupid ass just got put in detox
>You're not allowed to call me an alcoholic, you recently sought out treatment for alcoholism
Great point, I retract my prior statements. But you're still in desperate need of thiamin and folate supplementation.
leave me alone
You're on a public forum that I frequent, so I decline. The second you stop posting here we'll never interact again. Have you considered joining /leftypol/? There are numerous outlets for wet brained bourgeois "leftists", try them instead
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It's just so funny this cretin is still acting like I'm some uppity bitch as if you won't get thrown out if any job or social circle for running your mouth about da fweakin jigs. Every accusation is an admission daniel, you act like an inbred klansman retard and you literally just got out of treatment for alcoholism. Yeah I am better than you but so are 99% of people.
What's the difference?
A jiggaboo is just a Black. They come in many varieties, some are people I'd count among potential frens.
A nigger is a nigger tho. I hate this yankee fucking cope about "niggers come in all colors". No, pussy. Nigger is a southern mispronunciation for the Spanish word for black. There is no separating the term from its racial implications and it's annoying as fuck when someone tries, like it's not the most tired cope talking point for being "allowed" to use the nigger word.
Dan I'm not going to get baited into posting on your diary thread where you seem to be lowkey documenting your (deserved?) decline into a cobra state but the last thing I will say about this or the crime stats you saw on 4chan and thought 2 seconds about before accepting wholeheartedly into your personal attitude and worldview is, when a white cop with a buzzcut and a neck shaped like a pack of hotdogs thinks you're being too spicy with him and airholes you for loitering the white population will not care. In fact if it makes the news they will think it's cool and good because you look dirty and annoying and most importantly unlike them you do not own property. They do not care when it happens to their children and will care an astronomical amount less when it happens to you. When you talk about Black people like they're aliens or singularly destructive agents in society, there's the inconvenient fact they recognize when an individual like them is being fucked over or brutalized and will react with empathy and solidarity sometimes at great personal cost to themselves.