Daniel Lopez (blog)

The Dumbitch Horror

Smelly Skelly
Hobo Loco Mofo
Damn, I really want to share my stupid journey with literally anyone
Idk, I'm a moment's notice away from abandoning even the electronics. I got this whole vision for being a fish camp smeagol
I think its pretty cool that you get to go on adventures and generally live life how you wish. Most adults are too weighed down by obligation and responsibility, not to mention the expectation by their peers that they reach certain life milestones like a career, a wife and kids, home ownership, and the acquisition of expensive toys.
Most people attracted to crustpunk adventurism don't because they have people to worry about them and the innumerable dangers of sleeping without a predictable roof over your head. Dan's attitude concerning scat porn and revenge pornography made it clear what happened to all that. For me, anyway.
Most people attracted to crustpunk adventurism don't because they have people to worry about them and the innumerable dangers of sleeping without a predictable roof over your head. Dan's attitude concerning scat porn and revenge pornography made it clear what happened to all that. For me, anyway.
Well that's because you're a stupid bitch Ashley. By all means a-log whatever but you always do so from this pseudo intellectually superior position I find absolutely disgusting. Just trying to return the disgust factor you inflict
I think its pretty cool that you get to go on adventures and generally live life how you wish. Most adults are too weighed down by obligation and responsibility, not to mention the expectation by their peers that they reach certain life milestones like a career, a wife and kids, home ownership, and the acquisition of expensive toys.
The tragedy is that I want that normal life. Stupid life is a fine alternative tho. It's like "fuck, I missed the mark there but I have all this time left. Might as well make it a cool story to tell the step grandkids"
My story is no different than that of countless Don Quixotes, just more self aware and intentional.
It's super cathartic for me to "over share", so the risk of total losers stuck on repeat making comments I can just ignore isn't this huge thing as it is with normalfags
Well that's because you're a stupid bitch Ashley. By all means a-log whatever but you always do so from this pseudo intellectually superior position I find absolutely disgusting. Just trying to return the disgust factor you inflict
tbh I think you're intelligent, like you have the sense and emotional intelligence of a writer, but you're locked into a bunch meme bullshit and unbecoming social opinions because there's something wrong going on, and has been for a long time. I don't think I've ever said that about any of my remoras from kf or the extremely online nazi-sphere so I mean it.

If you're mad about me saying you will be living in a furnished house granted to you by china in a few decades I meant that too.
So, I'm camped out in one of the comfiest places I know and have a few minutes to write about what's been going on in my world.
Now that I'm quite far away, I was in Charleston, West Virginia for a while. I'd always wanted to visit the area but it was Fallout 76 that really spurred that desire. Gay, I know, but tis what tis. It was amazingly beautiful out there but it was certainly as ravaged by meth and fentanyl as the stereotypes would lead you to believe, honestly moreso even.
I've been to more states than I haven't and have lived in some exceptionally rough areas but I don't know that I ever felt as unsafe there anywhere else, with the exception of LA. I'm not one for setting up an actual camp but if I were perhaps I'd have stayed since there was plenty of wide open areas to lurk out into the woods away from folks. I think my biggest issue with setting up a camp is it always feels trashy, no matter how hard you boy scout. Plus all the gear overhead, the effort of settling and maintaining a spot, the possibility of some tweak nigger stealing everything while I'm out trying to work, etc.
I mostly stay nomadic and urban camp at abandoned buildings, quiet little churches, home improvement store sheds and so on. Anywhere with a roof and at least nearby water+electricity, preferably right where I'm sleeping. When I'm in full hobo mode I'd rather turtle around with my beeg bundle by day and crash somewhere chill at night without getting overly familiar to people in any one area. But I'm really not trying to go full hobo, which circles back to why I left Charleston.
The plan was to get into a shelter, throw my stuff into storage and get to working over the winter but I've rarely seen an area with such an insufficient amount of services. In a city with hundreds of people sleeping rough every night they only had ~75 beds available between the two shelters there with zero overflow plan. It's absolutely nuts that the city hasn't invested in any of the many many abandoned/available properties, gone open floor plan and at laid down some mats.
Anyway, there was no way I was going to win the lottery of receiving one of the few available beds in the city. It was rather discouraging, which lead me to comforting myself with drink. After a good month of putting away a liter per day, I was thoroughly in the throes of physical addiction again, which meant it was time to go detox at the psych ward. A more melinated individual would likely commit a string of petty crimes in hopes of getting a jail cell for a month or so but I've long known you can 5150 yourself with a "suicidal" call to 911.
While at yonder puzzle factory, they detoxed me with Ativan, which is like a babby Xanax. But the shitty part was they also prescribed my Abilify, which lead to the absolute worst incident of insomnia I've ever experienced. I've had maybe 8 hours of sleep over the last 5 days (hence my poor grammatical structuring and such), with tonight being the first night I'm super ready to crash out.
The issue with the Abilify is it caused extreme strobing visual snow whenever I'd close my eyes, which according to posts I've read is the result of the medication making my neurons fire excessively or some such. It's really fucking sucked and I'm looking forward to tonight, just me and the crickets and the wind.
Oh, also, I got molested while I was in the puzzle factory. Some broad with early onset dementia crept in my room at like 2 AM and woke me up with a bit of peepee touch. I absolutely noped out and hit the nurse call button so they could come collect her. The funny part was the next day the word got out and the staff came to me super concerned like I'd been raped "Do you want to talk about it? It's so not ok that happened to you etc". I'm generally of the opinion that a straight man can't really be sexually assaulted in a meaningful way by a woman, so I definitely laughed it off and declined to have some gay therapy session about muh trauma or whatever. It was fucking weird but I'm not upset about it.
I'll probably write some more later but I've never been this tired in my life and I must retire for the evening. Also I have to be up at 5AM so I can go hit the shower. I wouldn't classify myself as a crustpunk since if I'm living right now one would have a clue I was hoboin' unless I went out of my way to tell them. I have to go temporarily pawn my excess electronics tomorrow so I can grab a small storage locker so I can get back to donating plasma and finding a chill little job to work for the rest of winter
A guy who's spent the last year bragging that he screamed faggot at night guards and sleeping behind dumpsters wants everyone to know he's a better human than Black people for Reasons
The record will show I didn't scream anything at the downtown bank guard who thought he had a right to tell me not to briefly post up on the public sidewalk in order to have a sammich and a water, but he was a faggot for that, especially since I was bindleless and completely minding my own business before Paul Blart got involved. I returned to that spot several times and he never came back out to tell me some shit as the police informed him in that particular circumstance bank property begins and ends within the confines of their walls + their awning. So strange of you to come down on the side of a bank employee overreaching their position. Almost like you can't decide if you'd like to be a radical leftist or an elitist cunt.
And of course I don't sleep behind dumpsters, that's unsanitary and I've known people to nearly be crushed by dump trucks after having passed out intoxicated behind them. I sleep in them with my pet rat Spamtaro, do keep up.
I don't believe I'm better than an entire race of people, that'd be psychotic. But I do that 13% of (basketball) Americans commit over 50% of all crime and that I'd generally prefer to not be around them. If I had a Hitler button to press I'd genocide every tweaker twice and call it a day. But I will say that blacks only learn to behave when African style justice is applied to their crimes. Hands lost for theft, gelding and/or "necklacing" for rapists, etc. On the whole they're incompatible with Western standards, including our justice systems and it's rather unfair to expect 300 years removal from the Dark Ass Continent to be enough to domesticate our burdensome antiquated farm equipment
Things are really working out for me. My excess electronics were worth $240 in pawn but I only took $120 so the bill is easy to repay. Just need my storage locker, no need to be a nigger brained coon about the time preference differential.
But man, I got $20 off the corner, met up with some old school street homies which was awesome since they're my chosen family, got stoned AF, got kicked down a month long bus pass by someone leaving town which is so huge for a street nigga, got all my ducks in order to hit the ground running with getting to doing actual work.
I'm stoked
I'm Sephardic. Sorry to those who never got the irony. But long term niggas should have gathered by how amused I am by famfam Jreg
I woke up to the feeling of being watched and there was a little fox peeping me like 20 feet away. Cute little feller but an urban fox being overly familiar with humans is sketchy and I don't think I'm immune to rabies anymore (At a point I took a rabies vaccine as part of a special program at the plasma clinic)
Shit has been chill AF the last few days. Been steady reconnecting with old friends where I am, spent the other night absolutely ripped and wrecking some CoD zombies. Next day I went out to hustle, repaid a small loan from an app, paid my phone bill, got a motel for the night and still had fuck around money. Today, made a bill on the corner, homeboy is about to come pick me up and we hitting some decent brandy. Gonna be able to go drop half on the pawn loan I took a few days ago too. Makes a nigga long for the days of IRL streaming, it's so gay to have to censor details because some scrawny BPD British skelewhore wants to somehow get a police response to the dumpster Spamtaro and I call home
Homeboy started being rude and nasty to his bitch, snapped his fingers at me like I was supposed to shut up, didn't want to step downstairs in the yard to discuss the ethics of fucking snapping your fingers at me, we departed on poor terms :(
Whatever, I was in the right. Still, unexpectedly sleeping rough at midnight. My life a damn country song, just the gasoline inspired variety Jescoe White might write
"I'm not your bitch, nigga", I said, to my melinated compatriot. Smh. Never feed a soynigger beef liver. The vitamins make them unexpectedly vital