Daniel Lopez (blog)

Have you ever tried gasoline as a recreational drug?
A couple times as a kid, had to check out abo Dreamland and all. But naw, I mostly avoid inhalants beyond nitrous oxide. As recreationally close as you can get to feeling the onset of death, I've heard it opined
In hobo world, we have an improvised weapon called a smiley. They can range from a bandana with a rock in it to something like I'm making.
Have to go get a padlock and spray paint it later but it'll be pretty cool when done. Cops will let you make it under the guise of a "bike lock" if you have the combo for the thing, so I might as well buy a nice new one
After the fall out with homeboy, I had to sleeb in the cold. Not a big deal but the real issue was being way the fuck off in the outskirts, a good two hour walk to the closest point on the metro. I hitched a ride out within 10 minutes, a Korean Sikh monk(?). Dude had the full fu manchu beard, a turban and some super swagged robes on. Apparently he was on his way to temple but felt like earning some good karma. It was one of the strangest hitches I've ever caught but he saved me a small ordeal.
Later, I was out flying a sign and some retard tried to go just down the way on the median to cuck my money before it got to me. It was a very bum fights thing, running that dude off, but I really wasn't having it.
Also, I found a new pack m8 for my cowboy possum plushie (Deputy Deputy)
She hasn't told me her name yet but I appreciate her tsun tsun attitude
So, I'm camped out in one of the comfiest places I know and have a few minutes to write about what's been going on in my world.
Now that I'm quite far away, I was in Charleston, West Virginia for a while. I'd always wanted to visit the area but it was Fallout 76 that really spurred that desire. Gay, I know, but tis what tis. It was amazingly beautiful out there but it was certainly as ravaged by meth and fentanyl as the stereotypes would lead you to believe, honestly moreso even.
I've been to more states than I haven't and have lived in some exceptionally rough areas but I don't know that I ever felt as unsafe there anywhere else, with the exception of LA. I'm not one for setting up an actual camp but if I were perhaps I'd have stayed since there was plenty of wide open areas to lurk out into the woods away from folks. I think my biggest issue with setting up a camp is it always feels trashy, no matter how hard you boy scout. Plus all the gear overhead, the effort of settling and maintaining a spot, the possibility of some tweak nigger stealing everything while I'm out trying to work, etc.
I mostly stay nomadic and urban camp at abandoned buildings, quiet little churches, home improvement store sheds and so on. Anywhere with a roof and at least nearby water+electricity, preferably right where I'm sleeping. When I'm in full hobo mode I'd rather turtle around with my beeg bundle by day and crash somewhere chill at night without getting overly familiar to people in any one area. But I'm really not trying to go full hobo, which circles back to why I left Charleston.
The plan was to get into a shelter, throw my stuff into storage and get to working over the winter but I've rarely seen an area with such an insufficient amount of services. In a city with hundreds of people sleeping rough every night they only had ~75 beds available between the two shelters there with zero overflow plan. It's absolutely nuts that the city hasn't invested in any of the many many abandoned/available properties, gone open floor plan and at laid down some mats.
Anyway, there was no way I was going to win the lottery of receiving one of the few available beds in the city. It was rather discouraging, which lead me to comforting myself with drink. After a good month of putting away a liter per day, I was thoroughly in the throes of physical addiction again, which meant it was time to go detox at the psych ward. A more melinated individual would likely commit a string of petty crimes in hopes of getting a jail cell for a month or so but I've long known you can 5150 yourself with a "suicidal" call to 911.
While at yonder puzzle factory, they detoxed me with Ativan, which is like a babby Xanax. But the shitty part was they also prescribed my Abilify, which lead to the absolute worst incident of insomnia I've ever experienced. I've had maybe 8 hours of sleep over the last 5 days (hence my poor grammatical structuring and such), with tonight being the first night I'm super ready to crash out.
The issue with the Abilify is it caused extreme strobing visual snow whenever I'd close my eyes, which according to posts I've read is the result of the medication making my neurons fire excessively or some such. It's really fucking sucked and I'm looking forward to tonight, just me and the crickets and the wind.
Oh, also, I got molested while I was in the puzzle factory. Some broad with early onset dementia crept in my room at like 2 AM and woke me up with a bit of peepee touch. I absolutely noped out and hit the nurse call button so they could come collect her. The funny part was the next day the word got out and the staff came to me super concerned like I'd been raped "Do you want to talk about it? It's so not ok that happened to you etc". I'm generally of the opinion that a straight man can't really be sexually assaulted in a meaningful way by a woman, so I definitely laughed it off and declined to have some gay therapy session about muh trauma or whatever. It was fucking weird but I'm not upset about it.
I'll probably write some more later but I've never been this tired in my life and I must retire for the evening. Also I have to be up at 5AM so I can go hit the shower. I wouldn't classify myself as a crustpunk since if I'm living right now one would have a clue I was hoboin' unless I went out of my way to tell them. I have to go temporarily pawn my excess electronics tomorrow so I can grab a small storage locker so I can get back to donating plasma and finding a chill little job to work for the rest of winter
Go to your local library and check out Bukowski and Celine and learn how to be a good freak who knows how express himself.
According to my favorite Democratic Socialist program, Cum Town, Bukowski is gay nerd shit for annoying bitches in Brooklyn, so soft pass unless you sell me on it. But hard pass on going to IRL libraries. That's where homelesses what comes from the lesser races go to masturbate and pass out on spice.
I use Libgen and AudioBookBay when I succumb to the beta compulsion to internalize other men's opinions
According to my favorite Democratic Socialist program, Cum Town, Bukowski is gay nerd shit for annoying bitches in Brooklyn, so soft pass unless you sell me on it. But hard pass on going to IRL libraries. That's where homelesses what comes from the lesser races go to masturbate and pass out on spice.
I use Libgen and AudioBookBay when I succumb to the beta compulsion to internalize other men's opinions
No bukowski sucked both as a human and a writer but at the least he was capable of deep introspection about his condition and the condition of those around him and so was rewarded with attention and money. You are not homeless goku and the protagonist , you have had about 300 cold and deprived nights to think of yourself and what is going on.
You are not homeless goku and the protagonist , you have had about 300 cold and deprived nights to think of yourself and what is going on.
Lol you severely overestimate how uncomfortable I've been. 120 of those days were spent fulfilling a bucket list item, the other 180 have been spent having retarded misadventures between spells of full time work. Pretty fulfilling overall. Hell, I don't like discussing how much I make flying a sign but it would definitely make you mad at me and resentful of whatever part time dollar store job you're chained to.
You're stuck in Chattanigger, I'm drifting through lovely places with zero obligation than the couple bills I pay to remain online antagonizing miserable idiots like you