Elaine Miller / Trollcow / Z3R0xxo

Just think about it ok….
No, because your bait was retarded
I could hook you up with housing connections where you live. The Big Cheese of our squad is asking if you’d like to do paid flagging for us.
An apartment takes first+last month's rent and a security deposit. If I was so desperate to get inside it'd only take me like 2-3 months of skimping and saving but I'm not. Also, come on, you expect me to believe you have remotely any connections at HUD? I'd qualify for all the gibs if I'd press the issue but you and I have already spoken on my general attitude towards gibs.
If you believe you're smarter than your target than you've already hobbled yourself
No, because your bait was retarded

An apartment takes first+last month's rent and a security deposit. If I was so desperate to get inside it'd only take me like 2-3 months of skimping and saving but I'm not. Also, come on, you expect me to believe you have remotely any connections at HUD? I'd qualify for all the gibs if I'd press the issue but you and I have already spoken on my general attitude towards gibs.
If you believe you're smarter than your target than you've already hobbled yourself
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Elaine is circling the drain of her delusions again
Here, give me a couple hours to stop by the university. All this means tho is Elaine has groomed some edgelord UT student. Let me tell you, as a hobo loco mofo, I'm not afraid to grievously injure someone, especially not some 20 nothing year old