KF General

Josh ushers in a new era of prosperity and extremely small image file sizes to Kiwi Farms.

No, really, why the fuck is he encouraging the use of webp? Is his his server is running out of free space and he simply hasn't got the shekels to shell out on new drives?
It's basically the best image format for general use. Better quality and smaller than .jpgs. Same reason I've only been posting in .webps. Why he is realizing this now, I don't know. Maybe 100th Monkey Effect or something.


The retards on Wikipedia treat this like it's some magical pseudoscientific thing, when it's a known psychological phenomena.
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i dont buy it, hes another jewsh dickrider seen plenty before him.
most come from MATI.
His profile pics before the current one were AI-modified female versions of Josh. He's either Josh or his close butt-buddy. Also he used to refer to himself by male pronouns before he started using the female profile pics. Either way, he's a tranny.

@Gargamel How hard is it to set up an "unmarked moderator" account in XenForo?
Some meta-discussions in OF's Kiwi Farms thread:

Chrysler enjoys and shares some gay erotica that a KF poster posted.


AIDS Victim confesses to blocking one of those dadgum trans-invalidating TERFs on Kiwi Farms. Fails joins in to claim to be a victim of "stalking" on a public forum, which didn't happen.