These people think there's some big gayopping conspiracy against OF between Ashley, Daniel, LFJ, and whoever else they can insert into their own headcanon. In reality, it's the star posters like Britbong Geist driving new users away because they don't add content to the forum the way he likes. If he had his way, every new user would post incomprehensible gibberish threads about literally-whos all day and night long like he does. Guess what? Those threads suck and no one cares about them.
If you're attracting people who got banned off KF or just got sick of Josh's bullshit, they're going to want to post in the KF threads, simple as. If they like the place enough to stay, then you encourage them to make lolcow threads or whatever content you want on there and trash the ones that are a waste of time or unfunny. With some curation/moderation and new user encouragement, the place could be so much better than it is, but they'll never get that.