OF General 1.0

Bong thinks me trying to help save Ken from himself constitutes bullying:
He talks just as much shit about Kengle as anyone which makes this transparent ass kissing quite ironic. You get glimpses of his disdain for Ken whenever Islam gets brought up but otherwise he's perfectly content to keep how shitty and cringe he thinks Ken is to PMs, just like Crimson Pooner.
These people think there's some big gayopping conspiracy against OF between Ashley, Daniel, LFJ, and whoever else they can insert into their own headcanon. In reality, it's the star posters like Britbong Geist driving new users away because they don't add content to the forum the way he likes. If he had his way, every new user would post incomprehensible gibberish threads about literally-whos all day and night long like he does. Guess what? Those threads suck and no one cares about them.

If you're attracting people who got banned off KF or just got sick of Josh's bullshit, they're going to want to post in the KF threads, simple as. If they like the place enough to stay, then you encourage them to make lolcow threads or whatever content you want on there and trash the ones that are a waste of time or unfunny. With some curation/moderation and new user encouragement, the place could be so much better than it is, but they'll never get that.

>Some of us think she's the owner of Skibidi Farms
Nobody has ever thought this. This is obviously an Elaine Miller sock trying to pump up her own self-perceived "clout". Also, nobody besides Elaine is mentally ill enough to think that falsely claiming to own a defunct pedo forum would bring fame. She stands out like a sore thumb if you know much about her.

These people think there's some big gayopping conspiracy against OF between Ashley, Daniel, LFJ, and whoever else they can insert into their own headcanon.
Some trolls and Elaine have been feeding Ken with this idea and he's retarded enough to believe it. Even though if he had ANY common sense at all, he should have expected himself to get banned on Bluesky the moment the trannies examine his website's discussions.

But whatever, Ken has hard hard perma shadow banned me, so I hope the Kiwi Farms-Bluesky Tranny conspiracy is true and he gets fucked.
With some curation/moderation and new user encouragement, the place could be so much better than it is, but they'll never get that.
Kengle's entire method of moderation is centered around saving his unwarranted ego without regard to the quality of the site. He very rarely wanders outside of the Kiwi Farms General and Josh threads, so it's not like he has a clue what's going on with his own forum. It's a recipe for failure when the admin is the most checked out user, second only to people who quit looking at the site entirely
defunct pedo forum
Skibidi Farms is still active
>Some of us think she's the owner of Skibidi Farms
Nobody has ever thought this
This is CSO's admittedly schizo theory, which makes enough sense. Her Foodist/764 friends make provocative posts about pedophilia, people come flocking, IPs and such get exposed to her, ???, Profit. Owning a honeypot for her internet enemies fits well within her M.O.