How about you take down the Ashley forum and threads permanently? Hard delete them so there's no secondary retardation? Would that not solve your problem, fudge wiper? I know you're reading this, you fucking lolicon fapper.
You take that shit down, things are fine, you bring that shit back, you face the consequences. You'd think after a few cycles you'd figure out how to break out. At least when Josh does this shit he sticks to his guns and keeps the content in question up, following through in his retarded beliefs that the public dissemination and discussion of information on a person of interest is always more important than the life and livelihood of said person of interest. You can't seem to decide whether or not it's a good idea to keep that shit up. Ashley has some capacity to fuck you over, and you don't like that, so you take it down. But you think after two or three months it's magically okay to bring it back? Why, because she hasn't flexed her ability to fuck you over in two or three months? You bring all of this on yourself in exactly the same way that Josh does re: all the lawsuits he's named a defendant in, except in a far more retarded way. You're a fucking lolcow running a lolcow site, so where's
your thread?
Why the fuck would giving her a broom change anything? How the fuck is "here's a broom" a solution to the problem of you hosting this hate content that is clearly distressing her? Why has this been a common theme on Onion Farms? "Here's a broom, sweep all your worries away". Why can't you fucking figure out how to janny a forum yourself, or get neutral, level headed, no stake in the game people to do it for you? What? They keep quitting on you? Oh, why's that, fucktard?
Moving on. Ken is turning the highly inclusive Onion Farms into a less inclusive space (
archive). Or more accurately, kiwifails has manipulated him into being less inclusive in exactly the same way he tried to manipulate me into banning problematic groups such as myself, my friends, and my fellow worshipers of money. Imagine what a shithole Lounge 96 would be if I allowed that to happen?
Of course, being Onion Farms, it has to happen in the most retarded way imaginable, and he can't even properly word his sentiment to boot.
Never mind the fudge wiper, here we have the real brains of the operation. A narcissist, whose fangs are deep into Ken's
neckdick, attempting to divide and conquer. Of course everybody (other than Ken, for now) is below him, that's the ultimate goal of any narcissist. Never mind his pedo inclinations, if Kiwi Farms thinks you're notorious, disruptive, harmful, or (let's be real) if kiwifails thinks you are, then you aren't welcome on Onion Farms. kiwifails will have sole discretion as to whether or not you're a "refugee" or a "problematic user". Yes, Ken technically retains control over the site, but he's easily manipulated by kiwifails and therefore not a factor. The claims of more fair moderation on a site that doesn't currently have moderation outside of Ken's schizo censorship is laughable. That a lazy, pedophilic, narcissistic piece of shit is going to change that for the better, is fucking laughable. kiwifails is not capable of fair or level headed thought, is extremely gullible, and jumps to often wrong conclusions far too easily to handle the power of a broom. Everything he does going forward will be for the benefit of himself or elevate himself above everyone else. The era of speaking freely about kiwifails on Onion Farms is officially over. Arguably the only one safe from this treatment, other than perhaps his "narcissist's ally" buddies (legitimate victims themselves, mind you), is Ken, because kiwifails sees himself as below Ken on the food chain and narcissists always suck upward. However, even though he'll look like a suckup from our point of view, Ken isn't fully safe from kiwifails because kiwifails will continually manipulate Ken in private, and Ken might be dumb enough to give kiwifails so much more than just "Global Moderator".
Congratulations on giving your site away to a pedophile, Ken
Now I could talk about how kiwifails is basically all of those things he claims are harmful for Onion Farms and more, especially about how worthless and toxic he was on Kiwi Farms, but I'll save that for the OP that I keep putting off. I'm sorry guys, but researching and writing what is essentially an essay is too much like homework for me, and I fucking hate homework. Sadly, this means I only work on it a little at a time. it's coming, though.