OF General 1.0

He's previously admitted an interest in lolicon.
I always thought that was Naught's pedo ass getting Ken to do something highly embarrassing, especially since he hasn't said anything that I remember) about being into anime otherwise. Ken is pretty gullible, as seen by the fact that he's now had a line of pedo admins and mods.

His art style could be considered anime-ish in the most autistic and demented sense, I suppose:

Ken I have no idea why you think describing your adventure to pick out a streetwalker like you were buying a dog makes you look better but those women are notoriously the worst off, don't even have the protections of working through a brothel or escort service and all of them are doing it because of addiction or because a pimp is threatening them. She wouldn't have sucked your dick if you hadn't offered her money and she needed that money to survive so there was no consent. You on the other hand are a coddled lazy manchild and have been allowed by your rich parents to waste your charmed idiot life fucking around at nothing on the computer and digging your fat fingers in clay like a toddler. So it's not "human nature" and more you're a gross hedonistic fuck who takes financial and sexual advantage of women.

And I'm not reporting you for picking up a "hooker" I'm reporting you because you are a delusional psychopath who runs a malicious doxing site and refuses to fuck off when women tell you and these things make you an ethical danger. I am 100% sure after this outburst that if you had 30 more IQ points you would be a serial killer. This is how Ted Bundy talked about women. If you think this is me pretending or trolling or a "personality clash" I legit fucking hate you. If I had my way you would be put in a cage and shot with bb guns for the delight of an audience and it would be the most useful or popular thing you've done in 65 years.
Ken since you're in a panicking paragraph writing mood why don't you explain what you mean by having a "personality clash" with the woman who was threatening you? Do you have any idea how many creepy oafs women deal with and how badly you have to fuck up to not only stand out among them but be worrying enough that she'd seek outside help about you bothering her?
I didn't know Ken still had living relatives but I did some snooping when he mentioned visiting one of them for Thanksgiving.
Apparently he has a remaining sister, which is where he got his condo from.


Since I'm paying for an Intellius account and don't get too much use out of it you're welcome to DM me and I'll send the PDF report on anyone you like
Wow that website looks pretty broken but google lists it as being a 3 million dollar business, I guess kenny's kept nice and comfy in his basement with his play doh and craigslist hooker allowance.

Some days you just want to buy a nice frame but nobody is around to help you, maybe at dinner or something. Ain't that the way of the world.
They now think @Unyuns is @BigFanOfTheKillstream:
View attachment 2299
Being a Global Moderator on Onion Farms is apparently very taxing, even with the work split six ways. Not to mention all the backseat sweeping that happens over there. Imagine how much harder it'd be for pedofails if he had to do it all by himself and maintain the underlying infrastructure too 🤔
unyuns clarify: this not for to unyuns! posters removed moved. was sip sip drink man accuserings not unyuns


You mean this thing I made years ago when I was first learning a niche tool for the fuck of it? That's a pretty withering proclamation NonceGeist, let's see what the leader of your Group Home Gang can do.


Nonce the unfortunate reality of your constant attention here is that I know that like Ken and every other guy on OF you are a talentless genetic dead ender who probably has schizophrenia. If you had anything cool to do or anything to offer the world you wouldn't be bouncing these limp dicked little takes off the fat tummies of a bunch of guys who belong in a group home. So I don't really know why you're trying at this point, maybe you get turned on by being called a loser by women who pity you. All of you are too stupid to even dox Joshua Moon and caring about that guy is a full time job for you. I fully expect you and all the 4 other members of the Group Home Gang to be openly trading cp within 6 months if the site exists that long.
those women are notoriously the worst off, don't even have the protections of working through a brothel or escort service and all of them are doing it because of addiction or because a pimp is threatening them.
I agree but wouldn't this make you a SWERF in many modern feminist places for having this take?
I think he's wrong about mindfulness. It's not all hippie bullshit and is actually part of DBT, the most medically effective therapy for BPD.
Yeah I quite honestly do not think this guy gives a fuck about anything besides collecting NHS checks for autism and getting so wasted on beer that not even other gutteral brit trash at the bus stop in Swansea or whatever can understand him.
On the topic of furries and catgirls:
Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 20-04-14 Anime Discussion - Catgirls vs Furries Onionfarms.png.webp

(content, archive)
The fursuiters in the top picture aren't doing anything sexual. There is nothing inherently sexual about fursuits.

The catgirls in the bottom picture are 100% meant to elicit sexual feelings. They are the closest you can legally get to IRL neko lolis. The concept of catgirl is inherently sexual and they're always young.

The thread title suggests this is a thread about the difference between furries and catgirls, and the subtitle says it's a thread for the discussion of anime, which pedofails has previously claimed to be pedophilia in cartoon form. But the thread is actually a sticker request thread thinly veiled as a jab against furries.

So we can interpret this trainwreck of an OP as AHF wanting a catgirl sticker so he can express his apparent interest in catgirls, aka real life neko lolicon. Unsurprisingly, pedofails is in full support.

Pedofails tries to sound smart in his examination of the issue. Not the "I want a sticker" issue, but the "difference between catgirls and furries" issue.
Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 20-04-33 Anime Discussion - Catgirls vs Furries Onionfarms.png.webp

Of course, being both stupid and lazy, his post is barely three sentances long, mostly unsupported by the videos he posted, and riddled with grammatical and spelling errors.

The first video talks about furries in the real sense (and gets it wrong) and talks about catgirls as they exist in anime, making an argument that all the feline features of an anime catgirl are "genetic" and therefore real, not fake like a furry in a fursuit. This is obviously an apples to dogshit comparison; a girl wearing cat ears and tail is as fake as a furry wearing the same things. This is nonsense and doesn't support pedofails' argument, which is almost word-for-word what the narrator in the video said in the first 10 seconds. So much for "careful examination".

The second video is literally Batman and Catwoman. It's a pretty good non-anime example of feline features on a female being used to elicit a sexual response from others. The concept of catgirl exists solely for sexual reasons. If a girl wears cat ears and tail, and she's not doing it for sexual reasons, she's most definitely a furry and/or highly autistic.

In conclusion, the usual suspects have once again shown us the only thing on their minds are things that make their cocks throb, and now one of them wants that represented by a sticker.
Nektar you are replying to anything I post within minutes so clearly you're feeling whatever a mentally ill narcissist experiences that's like embarrassment. I don't blame you, you and the other freaks wasted days acting like creepy kenny buying a woman to lose his virginity was normal. I am laughing at you. Everyone in your lives has laughed at you. You are an omega male who smells like stale cum and if you want to start elevating yourself from that instead of raking your nails against your screen like gollum you should post some art you made. Demonstrate some talent you have that makes reading any of your garbled dogshit posts worth it because otherwise I will go back to ignoring you.

Ken you are a 64 year old man

Ken you maybe have 5 years before you are dead. You are fat as fuck and you are elderly. Why are you spending your time picking fights with women online. How have you not killed yourself from shame?




I am serious how do you read this shit at your age and reflecting on it not want to die? Are you just never going to explain why a "lynch mob" was formed when you were stalking a girl at your technical school? You're just going to sputter and whine that you're the victim just like then with no explaining? Because that just proves you are guilty as fuck. You scared the shit out of that girl and you probably jacked off about it later.

Ken I think the cops know you really well wherever you go and not for friendly reasons.
Everything Ken has said about these latest revelations makes him look objectively terrible to any group of people who aren't sociopathic loons (see also: the userbase of his site after he decided that defending pedofailic behavior was the hill he wanted to die on). The only people who want anything to do with him now are growth-stunted freaks who couldn't even cut it on Josh Moon's emporium of fail.

That is your legacy, Ken. You are a complete and total failtard who has to consort with the worst of humanity to have any hope of getting that "W" over any cross-section of the users on Null's site. You couldn't even hack it with trying to ride Chris-chan's coattails. What a fucking loser.