OF General 1.0

The concept of catgirl is inherently sexual and they're always young.
The concept of catgirl exists solely for sexual reasons.
I disagree. Catgirls and monster girls can be just as non-sexual as furries can sometimes be. There is even a SFW monster girl sub on reddi. It really depends on the artist. I think my avatar is a pretty good example of non-sexualized catgirl art, though she is young.

Ken I haven't even read the intellius report lmao you have volunteered most of that information yourself via linkedin and other places. The only new to me information the report might have is your arrest history, and I'm sure there's something because you've freely talked about stalking women irl and getting in trouble for it. You got in trouble for it at a school your parents were paying for to add an extra layer of stupid and embarrassing, because you're a dumb bovine animal with no self-control when you're horny and owed woman. Nobody needs to hatch complicated conspiracies against you because you are a retard who shared all the evil and illegal things you do yourself.

More vague childlike intoning about "the trouble" I'll get into for discussing all this dark criminal stuff like how ken and his scumbag roommate illegally purchased a woman's body to share. How exactly are you getting me into trouble Ken? Has anyone thus far threatened me with legal action if I share this information? No? How about slander, is any of this a lie? Because I know you and your sociopath buddies have made up plenty of lies about me, sexually harassed me publicly, etc. for years. So maybe you should shuffle your fat ass to another lawyer with a cart full of karen bucks to make the allegations go away and ask them about all the bigtime trouble I'm totally getting into. because I know what they'll tell you.
Ken I have a thing where I am a weird person but I'd like to think I'm generally understanding to a point and think other people are entitled to dignity. I can however smell a predator from a mile away and the only guys who seem to get into these situations with me invariably turn out to be predators. I do end up teasing things out about them. This breakdown at 9 am about looking at a $5 report I didn't even view doesn't exactly convince you aren't hiding a lot of things.

Said it before but a lot of the tactics the guys in Ken's orbit use are textbook methods pedos use to control victims, they're just attempting it on an adult who knows better. "If anyone knows you got sexually abused wouldn't that be so humiliating for you?" "If you tell anyone I touched you they'll blame you and think you're mental" type shit. Noncegeist not only never leaves the internet he's given me these vibes from day one that he's some shutin uncle in a dirtbag forsaken British town who all the kids in his family know to steer clear of. Another freak raptly following everything I do forever because he's terrified of what's in his closet getting out.
This breakdown at 9 am about looking at a $5 report I didn't even view doesn't exactly convince you aren't hiding a lot of things.
The flailing about it does seem to imply there's some interesting skeletons in the closet with him. Is his ex-wife's name known? I'd assume her side of the story is for sale, as are most things with women in a bad enough position to have to engage with Ken
The flailing about it does seem to imply there's some interesting skeletons in the closet with him. Is his ex-wife's name known? I'd assume her side of the story is for sale, as are most things with women in a bad enough position to have to engage with Ken
Ken seems to be engaged in dm a lot in a past couple days, I wish him well with his 20 dollar attorney consult and whatever you're trying to get him to do.
I wish him well with his 20 dollar attorney consult and whatever you're trying to get him to do.
I'm not trying to do anything. But if Kengle is so booty tickled hobos are digging through his info for the price of a Starbucks frappe I suggest he take control of his data
(Promo code: Dingus)
What is his stalking record just curious
Despite it being a lifelong habit of his, he's this far evaded justice. But we do know for certain he's stalked you, me, Josh, Chris Chan, Elaine, his ex wife, this other mystery woman, his sister's lesbian lovers etc. Kengle is the Weinstein of autism
Daaahhhh heres da annal onion farms address to dah nation
I was shocked by how clearly retarded he is. Same weird affect to his speech that CWC, makes me wonder what else he has in common with Chris 🤔
I was originally kidding about him being tard Norman Bates but it does make sense when he still has a box of his mother's dresses
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Nektar Geist doesn't think women are reasonable:

Nektar Geist doesn't think women are reasonable:
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View attachment 2323
Yeah no shit stupid, he's dehumanized you before and you didn't do anything about it. Weird orbiting pickme moron pervert.