OF General 1.0

Where are your kids by the way?

What kids?

Oh my God I will say it one more time for the cheap seats:

You have been arguing with a character. "Jack" does not exist. "Jack" is not real. Jack is a character that some random fucko created on the internet to be the most toxic vile version of a person that they could be for a sick laugh.

I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you Ash.
What kids?

Oh my God I will say it one more time for the cheap seats:

You have been arguing with a character. "Jack" does not exist. "Jack" is not real. Jack is a character that some random fucko created on the internet to be the most toxic vile version of a person that they could be for a sick laugh.

I don't know how many times I need to explain this to you Ash.
"Heh, I am an insane loser who has nobody, consider yourself played"
You try to take a shot at a fake personal life that I made up for kicks.

That doesn't work so the only thing you have to lean back on is calling me a loser.

Ashley, you spend all day on message boards arguing with people who are laughing and giving each other the internet equivalent of a high five for taking a shit in your mouth.

I mean Jesus Christ if I'm a loser for goofing on people then they need to make up a new word for the type of failure that you are because you take abuse from people like me and come back for second third and fourth helpings like you're at golden corral.
Ashley, you spend all day on message boards arguing with people who are laughing and giving each other the internet equivalent of a high five for taking a shit in your mouth.
Man it really is like an IQ test to take a look at where this line of thinking got Ken, who is literally about to die of heart failure and a shame to his family and just not be able to develop self-awareness about it.
that's really sad that you think this is something to brag about lol

She's trying to show off "look at how popular and cool I am" because it's actually hitting her that there is no Jack. She can't get under my skin with personal insults because she knows nothing about me personally. Now she has to result to humble bragging about the Twitter followers she probably paid for.

This is that kid in elementary school who you would beat fairly at a game who would immediately resort to the "OH YEAH? WELL MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD" shit. Big time my daddy could beat up your daddy vibes with that Twitter brag 😂

Your nazi faggot boyfriend is currently on kf laughing and clapping like a seal at the concept of transpeople being raped in prison, better get over there and tongue his nasty asshole so he doesn't nod off on opiates and choke on his own puke.

Uses a homophobic slur unironically because she's butt hurt about someone being transphobic. I swear to God this bitch is a different kind of stupid that I have never encountered before.

Ash you are so contradictory, such a hypocrite and such a perfect antithesis of what a functional human being is that I had to ask Ken if he was you.

For a moment I thought he was actually pulling some long con, Andy Kaufman style joke on all of us and that you were a character just like Jack is. But he assured me that no... idiots like you exist and you are in fact a real person.