OF General 1.0

Well I mean if you are Jewish it means you're circumcised, so you're definitely doing at least one thing right.
I'm a woman so I hope not lol
I was repeating what your friend Karl from Kiwi Farms said about you being ugly and dysgenic. he even linked to images of Jewish women to drive it home how much he finds you disgusting, I'm sure that must sting/ get you wet.
can you like. reply to the things I say in my posts instead of something you made up
Thats right he got one thing right i thing
oh, shit, she's having a stroke out again!
I'm a woman so I hope not lol

Well you certainly don't act like a woman (and I mean that as a compliment because it is)

And you have good taste in circumcised penises then. I would hope that you're not circumcised also. That would be... Problematic. Last I checked women didn't have to join the covenant of Abraham. But I am a Catholic so maybe there's something in the new testament I missed.

can you like. reply to the things I say in my posts instead of something you made up

You're asking a crazy person to be rational. It's like that Bill Burr joke where he said someone just went (makes crazy sound by wiggling finger over lips) and you go "No actually, I..."

oh, shit, she's having a stroke out again!

Sometimes when people type like that it makes me think that they are trying to manipulate me into thinking I'm having a stroke. Then I just realize they don't correct what their talk to text says.
Well you certainly don't act like a woman (and I mean that as a compliment because it is)

There's a whole bunch of women who are too smart to be anywhere near you.
And you have good taste in circumcised penises then. I would hope that you're not circumcised also. That would be... Problematic. Last I checked women didn't have to join the covenant of Abraham. But I am a Catholic so maybe there's something in the new testament I missed.

You're asking a crazy person to be rational. It's like that Bill Burr joke where he said someone just went (makes crazy sound by wiggling finger over lips) and you go "No actually, I..."

Sometimes when people type like that it makes me think that they are trying to manipulate me into thinking I'm having a stroke. Then I just realize they don't correct what their talk to text says.
it's called pendejo tyme (mispelling because I don't want it searchable) and the two are mid level comedians but still infinitely funnier and more successful than jack will ever be. in like a million years.

I'm not like doing anything to try to be funny and successful past making myself laugh on the internet. And I do amuse myself constantly on the internet, so I've already met my goal. Mission accomplished, hog beast.

Again, we can't all be as successful as you Ash. I mean I would like to hock homemade t-shirts on Etsy and eBay all day for a couple of bucks, but I'll just have to settle for building shit.
I'm not like doing anything to try to be funny and successful past making myself laugh on the internet. And I do amuse myself constantly on the internet, so I've already met my goal. Mission accomplished, hog beast.

Again, we can't all be as successful as you Ash. I mean I would like to hock homemade t-shirts on Etsy and eBay all day for a couple of bucks, but I'll just have to settle for building shit.
Adult professional wrestling fans should have their computers checked for child porn and then they should either be executed or be sent to a camp where they refine lumber for 50 years.
Adult professional wrestling fans should have their computers checked for child porn

My youngest son is 11 years old. I had my oldest when I was 17. I liked wrestling as a kid, and continued to watch with my children as they grew up with it. There was never any down time for me to watch it solo. But even if there was I wouldn't be ashamed of it because it's fun and it doesn't hurt anyone.

Why your mind immediately went to child pornography says way more about you than it does my hobbies.

and then they should either be executed or be sent to a camp where they refine lumber for 50 years.

That's a pretty spicy thing to say to somebody with two Jewish children on a forum that's owned by a Jew. Nice hate speech, you anti semetic bitch. Good thing my kids aren't allowed to eat pork, they might take a bite out of one of your relatives by mistake.
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My youngest son is 11 years old. I had my oldest when I was 17. I liked wrestling as a kid, and continued to watch with my children as they grew up with it. There was never any down time for me to watch it solo. But even if there was I wouldn't be ashamed of it because it's fun and it doesn't hurt anyone.

Why your mind immediately went to child pornography says way more about you than it does my hobbies.

That's a pretty spicy thing to say to somebody with two Jewish children on a forum that's owned by a Jew. Nice hate speech, you anti semetic bitch. Good thing my kids aren't allowed to eat pork, they might take a bite out of one of your relatives by mistake.
There's zero chance you or any idiot on OF has custody of children, you're drunk 24/7 and so obnoxiously racist that even pedofail's wife found it offputting.
The jewish cunt's nazi buddy loves spinning that yarn about having a family too, if you share all this toxic insane behavior inside the home the kid will take it with them and eventually a teacher or someone else will get it investigated. Sorry but I don't believe you can care for yourself let alone a kid when society expects you to be raising them into people who respect basic social boundaries etc. and you obviously don't understand that.

Btw the license for a silencer costs hundreds of dollars I don't believe you have.
There's zero chance you or any idiot on OF has custody of children, you're drunk 24/7 and so obnoxiously racist that even pedofail's wife found it offputting.

Ok, I'll let my kids know that. Should I give up custody of my Jew kids and divorce my wife for being a non-white and just start chugging beers right now because you want it to fit your little narrative?

Because I got to tell you, I'm going to have to take a half day if you want me to start drinking at noon.

The jewish cunt's nazi buddy loves spinning that yarn about having a family too, if you share all this toxic insane behavior inside the home the kid will take it with them and eventually a teacher or someone else will get it investigated. Sorry but I don't believe you can care for yourself let alone a kid when society expects you to be raising them into people who respect basic social boundaries etc. and you obviously don't understand that.

Damn bitch, you're bitter as FUUUUUUCK because I have a family.

Did God righteously smite you with PCOS? That would probably explain the weight gain. I bet you haven't menstruated in over a year, fatty.

Btw the license for a silencer costs hundreds of dollars I don't believe you have.

You really are a dumb motherfucker, Ash. I never purported to have a suppressor. I was saying some looney tune could show up at your house, you said you had a dog and I said a suppressor on a 22 doesn't make much of a sound at all, thus negating the dog. That's called a S C E N A R I O.

I was trying to point out the fact that Scooby-Doo isn't going to be much help when you actually piss off someone as petty and deranged as you. Your address and face are online, I was just trying to give you sage advice on maybe not trying to pick a fight with the entire internet. Believe it or not there might be one or two crazies online.

I just think you're pathetically funny. Pretty much everyone on this message board and onion farms think so too. You're like the equivalent of a donkey show, you're repulsive but people can't look away because they can't believe you're actually doing what you're doing.

But what I'm saying is if you act like a combative twat for long enough, you're going to say something volatile to the wrong person. I've already gone over it with you but apparently you're so fucking stupid you still think that I was like humble bragging about my guns or something (news flash: it's extremely hard to own a gun in Chicago and I don't own one at all)

So go ahead and do your stuff and do your thing, I'm just tickled by how fucking legitimately insane you are. You know for the longest time I thought you were somebody on the forums doing a bit. I actually thought like you were a joke account, like somebody pulling a goof to see how long they could get away with it. But your infatuation with ruining Ken's life because of your sexual tension with him prove to me that holy fuck, you are actually a person. Like you go out and do things and you're allowed to VOTE. That's fucking crazy.