OF General 1.0

Yeah I could never match those highschool children Kenny was ogling at age 45. He looks like a composite of every pedophile that's ever been on the news and he probably loves sitting across from his local middle school in Warwick pawing himself as the kids load onto buses. You're the same bloated creepo he is, which is why you love moderating for him. Is there a single guy on Onion Farms who isn't attracted to kids?

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GOD DAMN, Ash. At exactly what age did daddy start crawling into bed with you after mommy went to sleep? Because the AMC river east doesn't even have projection of your caliber.
imagine wanting to fuck someone who is only 17 years and 731 days old, what a pedophile
I think it would be awesome to be the receptionist at phenix (sic) home care in cranston rhode island and just have this fat retard who's almost bedbound himself constantly muttering these horny thoughts in chrischan voice within earshot all day. "18, 19, 20 ya dat is, to me, a consentin adult. Ya. I might. Udder pepo might thing thats bad but that is there problem not mine". And sometimes he gets too close and you see a huge red weeping sore on his lip.

That guy would be my friend and I'd consider him a colleague and protect his delicate soul from any criticism from certain insane women he did nothing to, is what I'm saying.
GOD DAMN, Ash. At exactly what age did daddy start crawling into bed with you after mommy went to sleep? Because the AMC river east doesn't even have projection of your caliber.
Lord only knows what happened tbh but both her parents being addicts who gave her up probably has something to do with it lol
Lord only knows what happened tbh but both her parents being addicts who gave her up probably has something to do with it lol
Do you blab shit like this constantly so everyone around you understands you're an evil untrustworthy cunt right away or do you hide it? Making fun of something as mundane as being adopted is so tryhard and grotesque, you really are such a soulless unloved loser lol.
In other words, it's true.
No, I actually grew up with my uncle and aunt and grandma caring for me and was raised in one of the wealthiest counties in the southeast.

Since fnarrf has developed a parasocial relationship with me and loves fantasizing about me suffering as a child here's a fun anecdote. When I was an 11 year old kid I was obsessed with jurassic park. That christmas my family got me $100 worth of toys from that franchise and a bunch of snes games. Her parents were cult members (white trash pretending to be zionist jews) and she for some reason shared with me that her dad drank away all their money. She was so deprived she thought taco bell was an opulent treat.

I don't think it's a bad thing to be poor but her family kept her from experiences and basic comforts through selfishness and their own inability to accept reality or responsibilities. Which is why she's also a neurotic sociopath now.
When I was an 11 year old kid I was obsessed with jurassic park. That christmas my family got me $100 worth of toys from that franchise and a bunch of snes games.
thats crazy. i had a mom who loved me from the beginning and provided for me in whatever ways she could
she for some reason shared with me that her dad drank away all their money.
n.. no.. no he didn't they broke up when i was young and never got back together
thats crazy. i had a mom who loved me from the beginning and provided for me in whatever ways she could

n.. no.. no he didn't they broke up when i was young and never got back together
If you had people who loved you then why didn't they mold you into an empathetic and moral individual instead of someone who hangs out in dm with guys who scream how much they hate "nogs" all day and tell transpeople to 41% themselves? Not only that but you choose to keep attacking someone like me who is objectively better than that. Doesn't scream stable or healthy parenting to me.
Sorry to hear that.

As we all know, Genesis does what Nintendon't.

Dude when I was a little kid me and my sister would turn on the Genesis and every time it would go "SEEEEGAAAA" we would go "Guh" because obviously they were telling us to "Say Guh"

That was the secret password to get the game to start.
this is really ironic coming from someone who openly slavers about murder-rape-dismemberment fantasies and the gulags of the ussr
That's right bitch I think we should copy their prison camp model for conservative freaks who cheer for trump grinding up kids in gaza and inviting rapists and human traffickers to the whitehouse. Cry and whine until you die about it stupid.