OF General 1.0

Patrick Thomilson or what he's called get home visits pretty often. He has never been hurt, so what makes you think she will be hurt?
Reality never knew Ken.

I have your IP from a few months ago, it's your home Internet IP and I'm confident it'd be enough for the police to connect your real identity to your veiled threats against Ash. Be smarter, dude.

I'm looking out for people's safety. She's claiming that these people are dangerous yet poking the bear. I sure as shit aren't going to anything, but you never know with Internet crazies.

I'm merely pointing out if these people are as dangerous as she's claiming to be, it's probably not a good idea to be saying all types of inflammatory things to them.

Again, I don't care about it, and I'm not going to do anything, but people online are fucking nuts. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm just pointing out worst case scenarios because it's the type of scary shit I think of all the time.

Am I being a little over-dramatic? Sure. But I'd rather someone consider the worst case scenario and take the appropriate action to make sure they don't have some looney tune showing up at their house babbling about being the angel of death or some shit.

And they aren't "veiled threats" they are my own paranoid scenarios that I run in my head. Nobody is threatening anyone here, I'm just trying to tell her to be careful because you never know who's out there in cyberspace waiting to be a fucking weirdo.
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And I hope it goes without saying Ashley that I don't like some of the things you've done recently, such as calling people's work and family and trying to bury them, but I don't wish anything bad upon you except people talking trash to you.

There are probably two sides to every story, so if you'd like to defend actively trying to ruin someone's life and career over being called mean names I'm all ears.

But I want to make this abundantly clear to you: I don't wish anything bad on you, except maybe I hope you step on a lego today with bare feet. That would actually be pretty funny. That's about it.

The point I'm trying to make is you are actively trying to ruin people's lives and careers and I would be hesitant to do that if they are as unstable as you claim they are and your real name and address is online. I'm running the "holy fuck, aren't you worried they're going to show up at your house and-" scenarios because that's what I would be doing if I was actively trying to ruin someone's life. It's a scary thought.

It's not a threat I'm just letting you know that it would make me leery. But then again I'm a paranoid fuck. I'm also pointing out the hypocrisy of a girl who says she fears for her safety yet won't stop engaging with the people she's fearful of.

But you have nothing to fear from me, other than me calling you chubby.

And I mean God forbid Gargamel tells the police that I'm giving people GOOD advice about not engaging nut jobs on the internet.

"Hello, officer? I'd like to report a man saying that people online are crazy and will do crazy things when you're actively trying to ruin their life? What's that? Well no he never directly threatened her, he just ran some over the top scenarios by her to illustrate the lunacy of internet psychos and told her to be careful of crazy people online. Hello? Hello? We must have gotten disconnected"

And if anything I think this is way more threatening than any hyperbole-filled imaginary "what if" scenario that I ran by you, Ash:


I mean Jesus Christ Ash. People in morbidly obese houses shouldn't throw stones, amirite?
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lmao how reassuring this must be, is this ken trolling or is he that detached from reality?
Yeah I'm starting to think all these guys have a few screws loose, especially the british shutin writing pages of invective about me but also can't stop calling me a "sambo" or "nog".

Some people in this world you want to steer clear of because they can make others sympathize with their narrative about you, these guys are so stupid and insane they can't go about the simple task of publishing libel without fuguing into racism or telling the world they contracted a std from a streetwalker.