OF General 1.0

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Oh wow, how could that be when generally no one likes your posts? Oh yeah! It's because Ken himself goes into the back and manually manipulates your reaction score to be higher! How epic, and totally not the cringest and most autistic thing ever! /s
Onion Farmers laugh at Kiwi Farms for caring about stickers. Onion Farmers themselves care just as much about stickers. Sad. Many such cases!
It's disappointing to see just how much of a crybaby CF is, especially since he previously claimed to have turned off notifications. Stickers, really? They're essentially meaningless on Onion Farms since a large portion of the user base spam them at each other (and others) nonsensically.

Case in point:
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 19-42-24 Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms - Joshua Moon Megathread.png.webp
Onion Farms is so boring now. I'm not paying much attention. Maybe I'll check it every other day or twice a week, even.

It's alright. IRL stuff to do and all that.
Ken's Paki developer can't finish the Elk Arte migration because of issues in Pakistan (nobody cares):
Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11-49-20 Onionfarms.png

Pedobroom said stop fighting:
Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 15-17-33 Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - Why were you banned from ki...png

OF is a hugbox. CF hasn't gotten the memo just yet.
What is the memo though? But the irony of Kiwifails to speak up, as if he isn't just like Kan.
Kan is the only one who challenges Crimson who hasn't been "shadow banned" or regular banned. Must be because he is a Muslim LARPer and his name is only one letter off from Ken.
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 08-26-45 Onionfarms.png

My site is more dead than usual, please come here and keep me company!
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The conflict in Pakistan is over. I shall continue to pay somebody else to develop a site nobody will ever use.
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I'm gonna blow a bunch of money trying to be the Warwick, RI edition of Elon Musk. It'll go much better than six iterations of Onionpedia and cost much more, or my name isn't Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt!
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 08-26-52 Onionfarms.png

My six year old gaming rig "server" is freshly built and powerful "C2D times eighteen" that is also ribbed for his pleasure! Top that, kiwitroons!

Do not make off topic posts! Only pedobrooms are allowed to post off topic!!
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 08-34-59 Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - Why were you banned from ki...png

I realize he's asking and not demanding, but trust me, it'll be demands and personal vendetta posts soon enough.


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  • Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 08-26-57 Onionfarms.png
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Pedobroom gets some pushback:
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 13-49-03 Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - Why were you banned from ki...png

CF thinks @HaLuigi is Daniel Lopez. Took you guys long enough to make the connection... I knew who it was by the third post. It's not exactly rocket science. Try to keep up, onions.
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 13-56-05 Lounge 96.png

Britbong makes another incomprehensible post where he claims I'm vying to be the OF admin. Somehow with this guy it always comes back to Ken 🤔
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 13-50-10 Lounge 96.png

Posting screenshots from another kiwisite is practically all they do on Onion Farms outside of infighting, so he's one to talk.
Gays figured out how to login again, after a couple weeks of continuous strain and effort. Unfortunately.

Pedobroom gets some pushback:
View attachment 1490
>I will not censor myself and give up my right to say what I want
That's not a right.

Ashley is surprisingly red pilled about Epsteinfails (@Catbert). Crimson Fails and that sperg who skinwalks as Ashley don't like it, of course.

Also, Ashley mocks Crimson.
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Ken posts a load of bullshit in response to Ashley's accusations. Like this 64 year old man can detect the exact age of a "topless but not nude" teenage girl just by looking at the image.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but if I see a guy in his 60s says shit like "The model that was posted partly topless but was of legal age (18+). The teddy bear she was holding was basically window dressing.", I immediately get suspicious of that guy. If (when) Ashley creates another sock to obliterate this fat retard from space yet again for posting faggot shit like that yet again, it'll be funny because he brought it upon himself yet again.
Pedo-adjacent webmaster is still seething about Daniel aka Time 4 Guillotines, whom allegedly sped up the inevitable ban from the precious Troonsky.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but if I see a guy in his 60s says shit like "The model that was posted partly topless but was of legal age (18+). The teddy bear she was holding was basically window dressing.", I immediately get suspicious of that guy. If (when) Ashley creates another sock to obliterate this fat retard from space yet again for posting faggot shit like that yet again, it'll be funny because he brought it upon himself yet again.
He has been doing nothing except trying to obfuscate and cover up for Fails, ever since these accusations dropped. Favoring this one user over several others he has "shadow banned".
It's funny how it always seems to be these three butthurt individuals whining pissing and moaning about me.
Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 06-42-28 Lounge 96.png.webp

These guys have the attention span of a fly, and they think @View is Daniel. Going on the information I have, I highly doubt it, but hey, keep grasping at straws to your heart's content I guess. Or you know, show me some proof other than a vague overlapping of viewpoints. Oh, you don't have any? Right, you all make shit up to push the narrative that Ken's shitty site is better than my site, because the truth doesn't support you.