OF General 1.0

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Honestly, I find this a bit of a weird statement from this faggot. Now granted that he was't the worst poster ever, far from it. Just a bit of an idiot. But this level of skinwalking makes me question his mental health. And he always seems to be lurking in the background, to pop up immediately if Ashley or some new user who might be a sock posts anything.

Full troon out, psychotic break and claiming to be the real Ashley Jankowski when?
Most of the posters involved with the autistic screaming match with Ashley are weird in their own right, but this guy always struck me as one of the less well adjusted ones. He posts in other areas of that site, but most of his bit seems to be trying to prove a point with his pfp and profile banner. It's more retarded than funny.

Also, he laughs at and a-logs Ashley for "giving her name and face to the Internet", while he's posting on a forum owned by some fat turboautist geezer who also gave his name and face to the Internet. Of course, Ken wouldn't respond the same way, and would probably just ban his sperg ass for it.
Most of the posters involved with the autistic screaming match with Ashley are weird in their own right, but this guy always struck me as one of the less well adjusted ones. He posts in other areas of that site, but most of his bit seems to be trying to prove a point with his pfp and profile banner. It's more retarded than funny.

Also, he laughs at and a-logs Ashley for "giving her name and face to the Internet", while he's posting on a forum owned by some fat turboautist geezer who also gave his name and face to the Internet. Of course, Ken wouldn't respond the same way, and would probably just ban his sperg ass for it.
I think he might be an underage kid with some kind of brain disability/autism given the plain english he posts and his obsession with streamers like Destiny and Turkey Tom. He bellyflops into every thread pissed off that people are "taking the internet too seriously" despite spending 24/7 on it which seems like something a 15 year old with no friends would nag people about to seem normal.

>Romanian gypsy
>Anonymous troll account originally named Trad Catholic From LA, now impersonating fag0t
>Canadian "woman"
>Fan of underage nude models

Weird how a bunch of foreigners and sexual degenerates are still speculating on what Mexicans and hispanics in America look like. Also cringe, but that part was obvious.

Btw, need I mention that this is in the Josh Moon thread? Getting really off-topic. And it would barely be tolerable even if these /pol/-shill tier political/racial takes weren't completely retarded.

"Moderator" Fails btw. Doesn't moderate anything and he probably belongs in prison, but he's a "moderator". Satiated his narcissism for a minute.
Pretty sure it's the Ashley skinwalker kid, he's always got some socks running. As I've told him before it'd be a tragic loss if Ashley fucked off since there'd be a void where his personality is supposed to go.
There were a bunch of socks made at one point impersonating The Gays From LA and negrating him. I'm surprised that Trad Catholic one didn't get banned tbh, like the other ones got banned and deleted.

Shifting the goal posts from "Mexicans in southern California", to "Hispanics outside of the US", to "white Argentines".

Brit comes in with some bullshit about how Argentines are ze literal Nazis, oy vey.
This guy Ken tags posts like he's on a massive amount of uppers he's made over 5k posts all of which are filled with autistic terms, phrases and nicknames only he uses expecting everyone to get his inside references to his personal autistic head canon.
I do like his posts sometimes but they take work to understand because of all the Britishisms.
If you mean like which OF posters I dislike the most, ipreferpickles doesn't really rank that high. But I find him mildly annoying sometimes.

Excluding Ken and Crimson Fucker, because their doxes are already available. Currently:
1. kiwifails
2. VAIDS Victim
3. The Gays from LA

I just find them cringe-inducing and unfun to read. But I don't actually have any intent to dox anyone right now.

Now you may be wondering why I don't have someone like Time 4 Guillotines on that list, and it's because I don't find him boring to read and I don't interact with him. Not my problem.
What about what I post in particular is cringeworthy and unfunny to read? Most of what I post is just cringey posts from KF.
VAIDS Victim has a moment of rapport with Josh over the love for the state of Israel.

One wonders why they don't just make a new account and rejoin KF, with never mentioning their old identity. It's not as hard as you might think. May as well; be better off than whining about your senpai who banned you for 2 years.
NOOOOO you have to simp over Islamist voting Palestinians. Politically, I don't support funding Israel because it should be self sufficient.
Boomer agrees with some Kiwi Farms sperg and rants about millennials as a group at VAIDS Victim, who is a late millennial... This is why I call him Boomer.
Pretty shortsighted to have any generational loyalty. The truth is all generations have issues and it's okay to see them even if you're part of that generation.
Imagine having OP banned from their own thread so they can't respond, then still being in that same thread malding at them seven months later. I think VAIDS Victim might be personally offended by anti-troon posts.

VAIDS Victim's current profile picture, btw:
I update the ssj thread because he still says funny things on KF and ipreferpickles still posts about him so I want them all organized in a central place. I'm not the least bit offended by anti-troon posts. What in the world gave you that idea? My profile picture is fine, the ribbon covers all her parts and it's cute AF.
Nothing much really, besides being a boilerplate feminist and being pro-vax (hence their ironic username). They seem like they would fit right in with Beauty Parlor on KF, but they got banned by Null for some reason. Supposedly they're a 28 year old woman and I'll admit they pass pretty well; but I'm not taking someone's word on the internet if they're claiming to be a girl and have posted zero selfies. Ken shields for them.
I'm not a feminist at all. I'm an ethno socialist. I support abortion for eugenic reasons.
View attachment 1551
>Romanian gypsy
>Anonymous troll account originally named Trad Catholic From LA, now impersonating fag0t
>Canadian "woman"
>Fan of underage nude models

Weird how a bunch of foreigners and sexual degenerates are still speculating on what Mexicans and hispanics in America look like. Also cringe, but that part was obvious.

Btw, need I mention that this is in the Josh Moon thread? Getting really off-topic. And it would barely be tolerable even if these /pol/-shill tier political/racial takes weren't completely retarded.

"Moderator" Fails btw. Doesn't moderate anything and he probably belongs in prison, but he's a "moderator". Satiated his narcissism for a minute.
Not speculating, they're all brown to me because so little of them are fully white.
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Hurray, we got another one to convert because of Ken and Pedofails!
Btw, I dunno what he did with the milf & loli comment, because I got concerned my KF account got hacked and logged in to check. Nothing I haven't written there, so photoshop?
According to @View Ken protects me, yet I have never talked to him, wanted to mod or anything of that sort. I don't even have anyone blocked. I have been aware of this site for a while but needed to catch up on some threads. I miss Gargamel on OF, he was a good poster but I'm glad his new site is doing well. 💙
Just gonna leave this crop of the kiwifails fap image here.
View attachment 1562
Yikes! I was never sure of the whole kiwifails is a pedo thing because there were too many pages of autistic arguing with Guillotines but I don't like the look of the photo. Was the reason it was supposedly okay because the model wasn't completely naked or what was the cope?