OF General 1.0

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I'm so glad that my adoring fan updated this news feed, after reading my post pointing out that there was a lull in the updates. However would I survive without knowing about the details of the Nigerian oil industry? Pray tell, I shall not think of it. A world without the fine details of such important happenings in the African chemical industry, isn't a world that I would prefer to witness.
>Celebrity forum
Where are the celebrities?

@Garglesken how often do you wash your ken wig?

(for reference here is ken, his hair and his bookshelf : a Merriam-Websters, 1 face clock, 1 tin can and a large container of salt)
Be a winner - like Trump.
View attachment 1748
The shooter also has the Mr. President video game on steam. Make that what you will.
Be a winner - like Trump.
View attachment 1748
Literally all of the qualities he claims is bad, is something he has done and continue to do. It's actually shocking how little self reflection Pedofails has.
Reminds me of this:

Secret codes?
That's just a branching file server. He probably got triggered and deleted the forum software on there, and it somehow reset to that or something.
Yeah either he fucked it up so bad that he had to start over, or he pulled the plug after a mere 5 days because he's retarded.

Probably next week we'll see OnionSky v2, using different software.