OF General 1.0

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-12-56 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Hello I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski P...webp

On the note of retarded pedophile Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, he's desperately trying to bait Ashley into coming back with this article about a woman with a similar name
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At least I think it's bait? I've heard extreme autists have a thing with facial blindness. Either way, I'm sure Ashley will oblige him by being the content he lacks


I don't think that's the same Ash. The name is significantly different and Murfreesboro is quite a long ways from Chattanooga. Ken is getting desperate. Pushing false narratives takes a lot of skill and patience that Ken doesn't have.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-24-16 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Hello I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski P...webp

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-13-03 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Hello I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski P...webp

More worthless posts from kiwifails, that nobody cares about. He's trying really hard, guys.

I've noticed a majority of his posts are ignored by anyone other than Ken, CF, Nektar Geist, and the Ashley a-log. Even sometimes they ignore him. He's started quite a few threads that went nowhere. Even among the 10 or so people who post regularly on OF, he's a nobody.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-12-03 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Hello I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski P...webp

Ken changes his username to "Catministrator". It was previously Cat Administrator, and Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt before that. Anyone remember back when he called himself Sailfish?

I wonder if he went by Sailfish IRL? I think he's autistic enough to try.
Ken admits he doesn't even know if this is the same Ash or not (it's clearly not).
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-50-53 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Ashlee's Upcoming Trial Onionfarms.png.webp

Imagine the world of hurt he'll be in when he's got two angry Tennessee women, both named Ash, busting through his townhouse door. Does he ever stop and think about the ramifications of his actions? No, of course not.

He'll be crying about line-crossing soon enough.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10-50-48 Bad Girls Bad Girls - Ashlee's Upcoming Trial Onionfarms.png.webp

Remember last time, Ken? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I don't think that's the same Ash
Well of course not. It's not even a gay-op, just a tard-op.
CF, Nektar Geist
They're just being contrarians as usual. The tide will turn a few months down the road
Ken admits he doesn't even know if this is the same Ash or not (it's clearly not).
Every day I'm not subjected to Kengle is a blessing. What is there even to dig into? It takes a single glance to realize what his retarded game is.

Anyone who wants his sister Karen's dox can DM me, on an unrelated note. His employer Phenix Homecare in Warwick, RI is apparently pro pedophilia but it might break the old bird's heart to learn what sort of filth her brother has been rolling in all these years
Well no fucking shit, you brain dead old pedo nazi. Onionfails (RIP) told you that last night before being banned for stepping on your dumbass bit, so no, it wasn't le honest mistake.
Stick to posting bullshit about Nigeria, leave being retarded on purpose to the professionals
He even talks like a retard.
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Oh, you think?
He knows that's not me, he's looked it up before and he knows I don't have felonies. He's trying to distract from the fact his new best friend posted a porn image of a girl who looks about 12, wearing a giant oversized toddler bow and surrounded by children's toys because it was obviously cp or designed to look like cp and unambiguously appeal to men looking for cp. He's desperately trying to keep this in unserious not the real world flamewar territory because he knows making a guy who did that his second in command changed this from assuming he's a fat ugly pedo living in a basement to knowing he's a fat ugly pedo living in a basement.
kiwifails tries and fails to sound witty. Josh ain't sending his best 🤣
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 15-12-36 Who is this fat female Page 4 Onionfarms.png.webp

By the way, why is kiwifails seems to be obsessed with cats? Does he have a cat fetish? And why does he hate furries so much?

My personal theory is that he's a furry who got shunned. You might find it difficult to believe that one can be kicked out of the "all accepting, nothing too depraved, every fetish under the sun" furry fandom, but I've seen it happen. The one thing most furries can agree on is that people with mental problems like narcissistic personality disorder aren't fun to be around, and they have no problem weeding these troublesome people out. This would have made kiwifails extremely butthurt, and for him to go full furry hate mode would be a plausible response for a narcissist.
Does he have a cat fetish?
Having witnessed his taste in things while shit talking his and ShadFan's weird public jerk off sessions, the answer is an emphatic yes, in addition to BDSM and children.
And why does he hate furries so much?
Total projection on his part, as you said. He really didn't like when I pulled the various quotes from users unanimously agreeing that neko is the intersection of beastiality and pedophilia, so he's gone into over compensation mode.
kiwifails tries and fails to sound witty. Josh ain't sending his best 🤣
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By the way, why is kiwifails seems to be obsessed with cats? Does he have a cat fetish? And why does he hate furries so much?

My personal theory is that he's a furry who got shunned. You might find it difficult to believe that one can be kicked out of the "all accepting, nothing too depraved, every fetish under the sun" furry fandom, but I've seen it happen. The one thing most furries can agree on is that people with mental problems like narcissistic personality disorder aren't fun to be around, and they have no problem weeding these troublesome people out. This would have made kiwifails extremely butthurt, and for him to go full furry hate mode would be a plausible response for a narcissist.
I'd link the picture of what he finds hot in "women" again but I'm not going to out of respect for victim and also because keeping it around or looking at it gives me the urge to throw up.
kiwifails seethes about being called a furry. He tries to compare himself wanting to fuck cats to me liking a furry who has a cat fursona, while showing a screenshot of a post where I talk about an encounter with a non-furry gay guy.
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 18-02-58 Lounge 96 Page 33 Onionfarms.png.webp
Babble more, cat fucker.

Her Majesty's Dildo thinks looking at gay porn is a Bad Thing.
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 18-12-34 Lounge 96 Page 33 Onionfarms.png.webp

Cry moar, troonions.
By the way, why is kiwifails seems to be obsessed with cats? Does he have a cat fetish? And why does he hate furries so much?

My personal theory is that he's a furry who got shunned. You might find it difficult to believe that one can be kicked out of the "all accepting, nothing too depraved, every fetish under the sun" furry fandom, but I've seen it happen. The one thing most furries can agree on is that people with mental problems like narcissistic personality disorder aren't fun to be around, and they have no problem weeding these troublesome people out. This would have made kiwifails extremely butthurt, and for him to go full furry hate mode would be a plausible response for a narcissist.
He doesn't strike me as someone that cares for cats in a normal wholesome way. The most likely scenario is that cats would run for their life from him. I agree with him being a rejected furry, because hating furries is random. It's not something you will grow a distaste for, if you aren't actively seeking them. It's not like niggers you hear being a menace all the time.
Btw, he really is obsessed with watching this forum.


This guy loves having fun on the internet!

Well on the bright side a furry pedophile has never convinced me to talk about all the print wank material I owned back in the 1990s

This was completely derailing the KF thread, I guess Ken and his neko shota are too busy rocking back and forth to clean it up.
This was completely derailing the KF thread, I guess Ken and his neko shota are too busy rocking back and forth to clean it up.
The moderation on that site has gone downhill from even the pathetic level that it was before. The bar is subterranean at this point.

Ken doesn't want a discussion forum. He doesn't want a gossip forum. He wants a forum where the most debased, socially stunted people who couldn't even hack it on Josh's hugbox can gather to bounce their sociopathic ideas and desires off each other for asspats, because those are Ken's people.

Who was that one oddball who tried to run the sociopath forum in the mid '10s, and later defended Chris-chan AFTER he fucked his mom repeatedly? I feel like that person is probably related to Ken.
Btw, he really is obsessed with watching this forum.
All he had to do was say who he was on KF and not start posting pedo shit to jerk off his buddy ShadFan. On the note of his secret KF identity, any guesses who he was/is? I'm convinced he was never banned from KF, which is why he guards that detail so closely.

My current best guess, based on cryptic symbolism in my dreams
He wants a forum where the most debased, socially stunted people who couldn't even hack it on Josh's hugbox can gather to bounce their sociopathic ideas and desires off each other for asspats, because those are Ken's people.
They're the only people who won't turn against him.

A troll sock posts a thread about not knowing how to post threads. Ken skinwalks this user so he can take a screenshot of how to post a thread from the user's perspective.
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 00-15-52 How to create a new topic at onionfarms.com Onionfarms.png.webp

Ken is so fucking gullible 🤣

kiwifals and Gays both fall for it as well. kiwifails is far too lazy to actually help said user, but Gays makes an epic effortpost on how to start threads. kiwifails pats him on the back "thank you for doing my job for me, broom-less pleb!"

Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 00-20-41 How to create a new topic at onionfarms.com Onionfarms.png.webp

Speaking of kiwifails, he continues to show us his love of both young girls and cats.
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 00-31-08 (1) Random Pics & Gifs Page 50 Onionfarms.png.webp

It's important to remember that kiwifails made the argument that young anime girls are pedo fap material not too long ago.