OF General 1.0

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 07-09-14 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

I can't comprehend the Britbabble, sorry.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 07-09-21 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

It's my own screenshot, straight from the source, and I felt like commenting on the topic. But you know what, I like Britbong's idea. It sounds a lot easier.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 07-15-59 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

Gotta. Be. Relevant.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 07-19-56 Just a friendly reminder Page 2 Onionfarms.png.webp

Pedo"broom" fully embracing his own delusion that he's in charge of something or has any say whatsoever.

Guys I wonder who did it?
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 07-25-22 Ashley Tragedy - Grandfather murdered in Road Rage Incident ...png

Ashlee or Ashley? It's so hard to tell guys, I can't figure it out for the life of me 🤣
What was the concept behind the Pig Pen?
Post a police bodycam video, comment on it, and at the top of the thread put a poll that asks the reader, Good cop, Bad cop, Retard cop.

I kinda lost interest in those kind of videos though, personally.

The dick pic is from the final struggle session with Whiteglove (Crimson) on KF. Some weirdo going by something like iwanttowatchyoupee sent that to a female going by Muskie Hunter, which she forwarded to me. I was posting as UWUthanize Me at the time, pretty sure you can still find the exchange.
That's not actually my dingus but Moontroon was definitely my account
The dick pic is from the final struggle session with Whiteglove (Crimson) on KF. Some weirdo going by something like iwanttowatchyoupee sent that to a female going by Muskie Hunter, which she forwarded to me. I was posting as UWUthanize Me at the time, pretty sure you can still find the exchange.
That's not actually my dingus but Moontroon was definitely my account
The best thing with these pics is to not say anything at all, because I haven't seen this pic before. Because I and including other not-weirdos, simply do not care to look it up.
The best thing with these pics is to not say anything at all, because I haven't seen this pic before.
Naw, Crimson's edits are funny as hell and the dick pic thing was my own joke, can't be mad if people repeat my own bit back at me.
What's not a joke is Crimson's mangina is medically too small even for iwanttowatchyoupee's weiner as xhe was born nearly hermaphroditic. Also xer meth addicted brother in-law forced xer to masturbate in the parking lot of a sex shop lol
Arkomia (Chonger toilet pervert) reminding me where I may park my bindle free of charge.
Glad to see Pedofails co-signing his lack of awareness post about disruptive niggers having it coming tho
Get ready!
View attachment 2022
We got tiers and blueprint autism for content that is sure to follow. We are so fucking back 😎
This must go along with his recent shakeup of the forum and category nodes:
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 23-12-28 Onionfarms.png.webp
I take it this is his latest attempt to widen the audience of the site. Of course it makes no sense whatsoever. He even put Q&A under Cowsphere.
I take it this is his latest attempt to widen the audience of the site.
Not a clue what the motivation is beyond autism but most of what he does seems centered around trying to make the site more appealing while failing to understand others enough to deliver on that intention.
Something has his sperg hamsters wheel joggin' either way. Can't relate since OF is 4 threads about KF, a million stub/off topic threads and Kengle's abhorrent love of negro flesh

That's correct, I've never once had to pull out the glock in the 5 years I've had it but you are an insane creepy bitch who cannot quit me even if I haven't talked about you or interacted with you for probably half a year at this point. Enjoy the child touching pals over on OF you deserve, oinker.

Yeah, imagine that, you didn't need the gun you bought because of Onion Farms lmao

We didn't buy them because of this, we bought them because we didn't know how weird things would get during the pandemic.

I doubt any of these things have the means or resources to bother me but she's shared that she bullied her ex until he had to be put in a nuthouse for suicide ideation, she is a certifiable psycho, and has little to do outside of thinking about me. So like with you everything is unlikely but possible.
she bullied her ex until he had to be put in a nuthouse for suicide ideation, she is a certifiable psycho
Ok, hot
So like with you everything is unlikely but possible.
Lol you're so retarded (and fat). I just like shit talking you. There is zero chance of anything beyond that occuring.
Have you considered the possibility that fnaarf isn't an actual person but a sock of the person who's made you a part of their personality? Onion Farms is a 12 user forum but "she" apparently only exists to discuss you...
Should really activate your almonds 🤔
Ok, hot

Lol you're so retarded (and fat). I just like shit talking you. There is zero chance of anything beyond that occuring.
Have you considered the possibility that fnaarf isn't an actual person but a sock of the person who's made you a part of their personality? Onion Farms is a 12 user forum but "she" apparently only exists to discuss you...
Should really activate your almonds 🤔
It doesn't matter if she's real but she's wasted enough of her life informing me about how she laid waste to relationships because of bpd and then getting pissed that I bring her failings and abuses of people up enough that I think she's genuine and extremely take it to the grave injured that I don't like her or accept her or that my interactions with her only go as far as insulting her.

Imagine how stupid and psychotic someone would have to be to pretend to be a woman like that, whoever they are they're more dangerous than some crusty shut-in.
It doesn't matter if she's real
she's wasted enough of her life informing me about how she
You engage with this shit very differently than the rest of us. You're going to be fucked up about the AI porn I made for years while I just scrolled Google for 5 minutes, plugged the pics into Reface and hit post. It's all about the ratio of input:output, ya see.
Imagine how stupid and psychotic someone would have to be to pretend to be a woman like that
I'm so tired of hearing bitches act like this. It's trolling, dummy. People a-logged me for months because they thought I was a Turkish Muslim tranny. Am I the psycho retard for putting out fake details while literally shit posting on the toilet or are they for overly investing themselves in words on a screen?
You engage with this shit very differently than the rest of us. You're going to be fucked up about the AI porn I made for years while I just scrolled Google for 5 minutes, plugged the pics into Reface and hit post. It's all about the ratio of input:output, ya see.

I'm so tired of hearing bitches act like this. It's trolling, dummy. People a-logged me for months because they thought I was a Turkish Muslim tranny. Am I the psycho retard for putting out fake details while literally shit posting on the toilet or are they for overly investing themselves in words on a screen?
Have you ever paid another homeless person or transient person for sex, Dan?
Council of Evil pedophile The Daimyo (power word: Ethan Hatchett), is busy ret-conning boring old drama over with a fresh veneer of shit no once cares about
Sorry homie, your use of e-daddy is no longer halal as we all saw your total fail attempt at taking down Godwinson (fucking embarrassing). At very least turn your stupid takes into a video, otherwise you're just another known associate of pedophiles posting worthless shit on Kengle's loli96.org
"That dude is totally slighted by his e-daddy"
In reality:
Ken is jealous he isn't raking in the shekels or getting millions of views:
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 12-55-02 Cowsphere - Mx Lindz Amer and Teddy (Queer Kids Stuff) Chil...webp

He also thinks everyone need to be ignorant about sexuality and gender. I wonder how Kendra feels about this 🤔

Now, to be clear, I don't think it's right to indoctrinate kindergarten aged kids into identity ideology. Actually, I don't think it's right to indoctrinate anyone into identity ideology. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't learn about sexuality (which gender identity actually isn't) at some point in childhood because some of them will inevitably be gay, lesbian, or bi and growing up in an environment where straight is the only valid orientation is damaging to those kids and grossly misleading to the straight kids. But I'd argue that it best come sometime after kindergarten, when they're old enough to understand.

I still refuse to accept the premise that there's a mass of young boys (or girls) inflicted with gender dysphoria. It's far too easy to impression a kid into thinking they're one thing or another, and far too easy to confuse homosexuality traits with the outward facing symptoms of gender dysphoria. Also, some people just don't fit into the norms associated with boy and girl, despite legitimately being a boy or girl. I think it's extremely rare that a kid really knows what they are, but extremely common for a kid to think they know because they saw or heard something.

If a boy is not gay but he thinks he is, and he later realizes this error, it's not that hard to course correct and move on. Sure, there may be some social issues associated with coming out as straight, but that's nothing compared to irreversible gender surgery and years of hormone therapy, not to mention the mental effects of gaslighting and railroading, that a boy would get if he thought he were a girl trapped in a boy's body.

The people who are pushing this identity bullshit are dangerous and should not be allowed near children.
Did I need to read an essay on Mormon beliefs on onion farms dot com?
The funny thing is that every other Christian denomination in America sees the Mormons as heretics and there is a very good reason why most Mormons only live in Utah.

Now the other Christian denominations have their differences (Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Evangelicals, the list goes on) but if there is one thing that the other big Christian denominations agree with is that Mormons are heretics.

The Mormons believe that somehow God decided to move away from Israel and decided to go to America (a land that has no religious significance or historical context in any of the Abrahamic faiths) where a man claimed he saw God and Jesus speak to him and then claimed that an angel named Moroni (who is not canon in the Bible itself and not seen as canon in any other Christian denomination) where he told Joseph Smith that he should find some gold plates that contains new DLC for Christianity and giving him instructions on how to translate these manuscripts (which is obvious this is a total lie Joseph Smith said to justify his new religious movement). Also the Native Americans were Jews from Israel and they originally had white skin but after some mass murder later, God punished the Native Americans by turning their skin red (I think the Mormon Church would do some revisions to make this story less racist but this is what the followers of the Mormon religion believed in for a long time).

It was also obvious that Joseph Smith was a horny guy where he clearly wanted to belong to a religious Institution that allowed polygamy. Joseph Smith wanted to be technically be called a Christian where he would also be allowed so he can have lots of pussy. and this was during the time when the other Christian demonstrations began to phase out of polygamy while Joseph Smith wanted an excuse to be married to multiple women. While it is unfair to compare modern standards to how people lived in the past, it's also worth nothing that Joseph Smith married a 14 year old girl named Helen Mar Kimball along with marrying several other prepubescent girls. Joseph Smith did said to Helen Mar Kimball and I quote, "God says you should marry me, you and your family will be exalted to heaven" and I'm not making that up; Joseph Smith did this to a 14 year old girl at the time. Joseph Smith is to the Mormons what Muhammad is to Islam (the story of Aisha). When you bring this up to Mormons, the Mormons are often high on copium in regards to Joseph Smith marrying underaged girls in the same way Muslims get high on copim whenever the topic of Aisha gets brought up.

The Book of Mormon is also regarded as a modern day version of Apocrypha (religious texts that are not seen as canon in the Bible). While some Christian denominations do accept some Apocryphal (or Deuterocanonical if you are Catholic or Orthodox) works as canon; generally speaking no other Christian Demonstration recognizes the Book of Mormon as canon. For Christians outside of Mormonism, there is no more holy scripture after the New Testament (it's seen as heretical to think there is anything more after the New Testament).

Joseph Smith was a con artist that clearly wanted political power and he also wanted lots of pussy. Every other Christian denomination see the Mormons as a bunch of crazy weirdos (the Book of Mormon is not seen as canon in the Bible as far as every other Christian denomination is concerned) in the same way the Jews sees the Messianic Jews as weirdos (because Jews do not believe in Jesus) and in the same way Muslims see the Nation of Islam as weirdos as well (Muslims do not accept Yakub as canon in the Islamic faith and even find that story really dumb).
Another kiwifails post of a Lounge 96 screenshot without comment, that nobody there cares about.
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 18-41-56 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

Obsessed with Lounge 96? No question about it. In fact, he might be too butthurt to add a few words to tell the reader why he even bothered to post.

Nektar demands that I tag Elaine for some unknown reason, speaks of an imaginary "deal" that only exists in his head.
Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 18-42-04 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp
