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Kengle does a racism?
Kengle does a racism?
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I haven't checked the whole picture, but the short version is that niggers destroy their possibilities just as much or more than troons. Instead of taking responsibility for being a fucktard, they blame everyone else. Oprah Winfrey wouldn't be as rich if murica was that bad for blacks.
Of course it a lot about pure luck, but that's for white people too. The difference is that niggers don't understand this and tardrages about systematic racism
I haven't checked the whole picture, but the short version is that niggers destroy their possibilities just as much or more than troons. Instead of taking responsibility for being a fucktard, they blame everyone else.
And you don't need to check the whole picture. In their natural habitat niggers either build tetanus palaces of scrap metal or grass huts. If the nigger were capable of building anything they wouldn't insist on piggybacking off of their superiors. You can set all the monkeys to banging away on type writers and produce Shakespeare but all the niggers of the world will never make Wakanda real

It is important to remember that American nigger behavior is heavily rooted in redneck behavior, which originated in Ireland and Scotland. It was brought over to the new world, where black slaves picked it up from their white masters. During the boomer boom and especially after civil rights movement, nigger behavior diverged from redneck behavior to suit the unique situation the city blacks found themselves in following white flight. City crime became a big problem during the 70s and 80s and nearly all of the minority communities turned into dangerous shitholes as large numbers of blacks turned to unorganized crime and drug dealing as a means to get by. They weren't known as a criminal race before this, but there is no denying that huge numbers of them live the criminal lifestyle as a result of this. A big reason (but not the only reason) why systemic racism is still a thing is because criminal niggers still exist in large numbers.

Meanwhile, some African countries are doing just fine for themselves. Think Ethiopia, who fucked Egypt out of their water, and South Africa, who kicked the British out and made their white minorities essentially subservient.
It is important to remember that American nigger behavior is heavily rooted in redneck behavior, which originated in Ireland and Scotland. It was brought over to the new world, where black slaves picked it up from their white masters. During the boomer boom and especially after civil rights movement, nigger behavior diverged from redneck behavior to suit the unique situation the city blacks found themselves in following white flight. City crime became a big problem during the 70s and 80s and nearly all of the minority communities turned into dangerous shitholes as large numbers of blacks turned to unorganized crime and drug dealing as a means to get by. They weren't known as a criminal race before this, but there is no denying that huge numbers of them live the criminal lifestyle as a result of this. A big reason (but not the only reason) why systemic racism is still a thing is because criminal niggers still exist in large numbers.

Meanwhile, some African countries are doing just fine for themselves. Think Ethiopia, who fucked Egypt out of their water, and South Africa, who kicked the British out and made their white minorities essentially subservient.
I do agree that's it's a cultural thing because my step grandfather was black and didn't act "niggerish" at all. He liked country and rock n roll and couldn't understand the appeal of rap. He was a self taught electrician and avid hunter and fisher and overall upstanding citizen who never committed a crime.
Yet his bio family would steal from him, the mother of his own children cheated on him with a native guy and he honestly liked white people better, lol. I recently watched a documentary about black ww2 veterans sand they were pretty tough and normal, non-niggerish people too who kept partners their whole lives and fathered their children.

That's pretty rich Noncegeist, considering how your beloved admin Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt still won't explain about why a "lynch mob" formed around him stalking a woman at a tech school he attended and when it came out that Ken had to lose his virginity to a hooker you proudly boasted that your own father was catching AIDS from sex workers when he did some sort of work in the United States. Why you'd share that I have no idea but it's a fair bit more disgusting than anything you believe you have on me.

If onionfarms members weren't so low intelligence and shiftless they'd ring every bell for being serial killers: psychopathy, anti-social, manipulative and lying, view women as sex objects, will not fuck off when told, to the point a school institutionally has to get involved in their creepy one sided love quest.


Every accusation is an admission.

Your diseased father giving your mom and then you syphilis or some other neurology-effecting STD would actually explain so much about you, why you write the way you do and why you're clearly disabled, low functioning and latch on an obscure internet target for years and years fixating on any boring thing they do every day without ever getting sick of it or questioning whether this is a pathetic and depressing thing for a man your age to be doing.

You're also a racist, which is a shell that clinical idiots retreat into.
Also you were talking about remembering andrew dice clay on the tv, lol we are absolutely not the same age group. You are way older.

It's funny and cool you openly admit that your dad hated your mother and you and your entire island of inbred pigpeople so much he came over here and paid for sex instead of staying with your snaggle toothed mom. Like he couldn't just meet women and sleep with them either, his dental and personal hygiene was so bad he had to pay money for pussy lol.

Why are you talking about this with an air of superiority? Are you insane?