No fish
None at all
Keep it up, Daniel. This is hysterical!Dan comes back to Onion Farms to take credit for the ban:
View attachment 1371
Why Ken ever thought Tranny Twitter would be a good platform to shill a kiwisplinter is beyond me.
Keep it up, Daniel. This is hysterical!Dan comes back to Onion Farms to take credit for the ban:
View attachment 1371
Why Ken ever thought Tranny Twitter would be a good platform to shill a kiwisplinter is beyond me.
He used to have administration worth a damn on site, but it was like 2021 and it was the angry Canadian. Sure, he was a dick, but he at least knew how to administer a forum when Ken stayed out of his way. Most of his job was sweeping up after Blaine shat up a thread or the Tennessee Terror came back with her 9000th sock account to yell at people, but I remember it being a lot more fun than it is now. The KF General and Josh threads would never have looked as bad as they do now, back then.@Floppy DiskEight staff for a community of 20, and one of those brooms is a highly manipulative pedophile. I never understood how the fuck he needs so much supervision over 20 people, and yet the place looks absolutely filthy. Even the Josh thread is getting shit up.
Check from a sock. Kengle's been getting creative (Ken appears to be covering up the whole "delete Lounge 96" thing. The thread itself is gone as is the meta thread about it's deletion.
(sorry, no screenshot)
He's really trying his nigger best to weasel out of the consequences of his actions today.Check from a sock. Kengle's been getting creative () since the creation of the containment sub forum
It's Bluesky that banned him. Took only what, a day? Not that the distinction matters much. X-Twitter is almost as useless for free advertising.Ken's a retard for even thinking that shilling OF on twitter, a literaly place for retarded faggots amongst tumblr, would be a good idea, he most likely knows how hardcore he'd be shutdown QUICKLY if he did that (which he just did). So obvious reminder, never make an account with your kiwifarms account name or kiwisplinter name, if you don't want to be shitted on.
I think it's clearly him, which is probably the first time Ken's made me laugh since he's skinwalked Null so hard he's created his own Lidl DripAvonBird35 makes an awkward appearance. Is this a Ken sock?
Idk, I hear Ashley is heavily involved in #DropOnionFarms. Might not be the best time to give her an additional platformWhat's next, he brings the Ashley subforum back so everyone pretends to get along for a couple weeks while dunking on her?
The beaner lives on in Ken's wallsView attachment 1385
Sources familiar with the issue say it's never over