OF General 1.0

It was no joke. AHF really thought you were me in disguise.

AHF doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Even pedofails and the Ashley a-log didn't believe. Just look at those reactions.

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AHF also loves to drive wedges for no reason:
View attachment 2280

He (xe?) can safely be ignored.
unyuns havering to no wedge for drivering. that mistakering for to makering anyone do if for target unyuns.
unyuns only wantering haha tee hee shitpostering times. unyuns not carerering for to real dramas.
We now have a first class forum on Onion Farms:
View attachment 2291

He made it public because he desperately wants some outside bully who's more lucid and aggressive than he is to come in and call his enemies gay and fat since I found all this stuff about him being unable to have sex without paying for it and how he was stalking a woman at his school so intensely that he had to go crying to a lawyer. And that was just the one he told everyone about.

It's interesting he called the stalking ordeal "a lynch mob" meaning he fucked up badly enough that multiple people had to get involved with it. Schools are hesitant to act on stuff like this without an insanely clear aggressor and victim because it's such dangerous and murky legal territory. And this was before MeToo so he must have done something like following this woman home to get the institution investigating it. He really does see women as holes that owe him sex and positive attention. As always poor Kenny dindu nothin he just a good boy in a cruel neurotypical world.
He made it public because he desperately wants some outside bully who's more lucid and aggressive than he is to come in and call his enemies gay and fat since I found all this stuff about him being unable to have sex without paying for it and how he was stalking a woman at his school so intensely that he had to go crying to a lawyer. And that was just the one he told everyone about.

It's interesting he called the stalking ordeal "a lynch mob" meaning he fucked up badly enough that multiple people had to get involved with it. Schools are hesitant to act on stuff like this without an insanely clear aggressor and victim because it's such dangerous and murky legal territory. And this was before MeToo so he must have done something like following this woman home to get the institution investigating it. He really does see women as holes that owe him sex and positive attention. As always poor Kenny dindu nothin he just a good boy in a cruel neurotypical world.
God, I didn't read that.
You should go back there to cry to all the pedos and disgusting johns about me, psycho. It's the company you earned.
im kinda busy with work tbh and also i think nektar geist has more time to stare at you in that way that makes you super uncomfortable than i do
Someone did a kengle cockvore story post on OF and then some retard started talking about CTF.
good lord

Ken you were not "sowing your wild oats" like a cool OG baller. You made a decision to share a prostitute with another pathetic diseased scumbag because you are an awkward ugly retard with terrible hygiene and no sane woman will touch you. In order to get married you had to ship a Filipina over here and you were so abusive and bizarre she left you after she got her green card. You are the prototype of the modern incel.

What does a "personality clash" fucking mean lmfao. Yeah I bet your personalities clashed when she saw you casing her home.
Was it really a flip? Why didn't he import a Nigerian?
A picture of her was posted in the KF thread about him and she looks vaguely SE Asian, way too pretty to be with this doddering mutant. It makes me sick the amount of women who have to put themselves in abusive situations to escape poverty. I hope she's doing well and far away from him.
Ken has never discussed liking any books or movies or anything at all really. He doesn't interact with the world emotionally or artistically. He's like a soulless lump that just exists to burden and annoy people and seek meaningless consumption. He literally lost his virginity to this woman and he talks about her like it was an uneventful visit to McDonalds.