A fair question but no. I haven't been that drunk for like 20 years. Oddly, at the time of the incident, I was sober.
But yeah naw, I was sadly not even buzzed. I've been being a lazy slut on the little electric scooters some cities have. I was crossing through a median, pedestrian signal saying to, full right of way. A fucking new ass bus driver decided he needed to make up minutes on his timer, flipped his signal on at the light and just gunned it, I guess assuming fuck me, I'll stop.
Sadly I was on an older model and hard braking will already through you over the bars if you're hauling. But yeah, I already in the intersection going a good 20~ mph, and it was a choice of
1 T-boning a metal bus with my body
2 Swerving behind it, maybe get fucked off by the sure ass fuck tailgaters
3 Gun the little throttle and try to at least get across
Well I chose the latter. It sounds like post factory justification but during these crash out scenarios my thinker kicks in. I did in fact have the momentum to cut diagonal in front of the bus without getting squished. Sadly I went wheel first into a curb and landed as they say "dead ass" on my face. No brain trauma, not that much of value would be loss, but I did shatter my nose and am really looking fucking stupid with road rash on my face.
Shit was so cash