Daniel Lopez (blog)

I work as a cook normally. I have a bit over 8 years experience. Full service, catering, fine dining. Though I generally won't step into a kitchen unless I'm being paid $20+/hr since I make about that much flying a sign when you factor in the taxes I avoid paying but I refuse to ever do fast food. I don't have the patience for youngsters that need to be taught to use a mop or handle a knife without losing a finger.
I've also worked in slaughter houses, cleaned airplanes, drove forklifts, landscaped, did residential painting (roller and sprayer) and as speculated worked events. I like doing festivals because they pay generously for tard work and you get to creep the event grounds after everyone leaves, claiming wallets/phones/drugs etc that people have dropped.
Kengle however found the one job where he can get paid to be knuckle deep in someone's grandpa
Were you drunk and fell on your face?
A fair question but no. I haven't been that drunk for like 20 years. Oddly, at the time of the incident, I was sober.
But yeah naw, I was sadly not even buzzed. I've been being a lazy slut on the little electric scooters some cities have. I was crossing through a median, pedestrian signal saying to, full right of way. A fucking new ass bus driver decided he needed to make up minutes on his timer, flipped his signal on at the light and just gunned it, I guess assuming fuck me, I'll stop.
Sadly I was on an older model and hard braking will already through you over the bars if you're hauling. But yeah, I already in the intersection going a good 20~ mph, and it was a choice of
1 T-boning a metal bus with my body
2 Swerving behind it, maybe get fucked off by the sure ass fuck tailgaters
3 Gun the little throttle and try to at least get across
Well I chose the latter. It sounds like post factory justification but during these crash out scenarios my thinker kicks in. I did in fact have the momentum to cut diagonal in front of the bus without getting squished. Sadly I went wheel first into a curb and landed as they say "dead ass" on my face. No brain trauma, not that much of value would be loss, but I did shatter my nose and am really looking fucking stupid with road rash on my face.
Shit was so cash
Been super quiet. I wonder if he picked up a new habit at the hospital?
Hurtful little shekel goblin, my habits are long established and not open to amendments :(
Just because I face planted my bread winner into concrete doesn't mean I need whatever pajeet doctor to inform me that opiates are awesome.
On the note, they did prescribe me a muscle relaxer and mild opiate but I'm not going to get them. 7-0H is absolutely my go to for analgesic relief. Legal morphine basically and I trust my weed store guy more than a (((doctor)))
A fair question but no. I haven't been that drunk for like 20 years. Oddly, at the time of the incident, I was sober.
But yeah naw, I was sadly not even buzzed. I've been being a lazy slut on the little electric scooters some cities have. I was crossing through a median, pedestrian signal saying to, full right of way. A fucking new ass bus driver decided he needed to make up minutes on his timer, flipped his signal on at the light and just gunned it, I guess assuming fuck me, I'll stop.
Sadly I was on an older model and hard braking will already through you over the bars if you're hauling. But yeah, I already in the intersection going a good 20~ mph, and it was a choice of
1 T-boning a metal bus with my body
2 Swerving behind it, maybe get fucked off by the sure ass fuck tailgaters
3 Gun the little throttle and try to at least get across
Well I chose the latter. It sounds like post factory justification but during these crash out scenarios my thinker kicks in. I did in fact have the momentum to cut diagonal in front of the bus without getting squished. Sadly I went wheel first into a curb and landed as they say "dead ass" on my face. No brain trauma, not that much of value would be loss, but I did shatter my nose and am really looking fucking stupid with road rash on my face.
Shit was so cash
But if this was the fault of the driver, doesn't that mean you can sue or some shit?
But if this was the fault of the driver, doesn't that mean you can sue or some shit?
Technically, yes he could sue the city (I assume it was a city transit bus) who's bus driver apparently stole his right-of-way, if he had it to begin with. Almost all city buses have cameras all over them so this isn't very hard to prove if he got the police involved.

The city, their insurance company, the police, they might all claim that our dear hobo was somehow in the wrong, as it is tradition to blame the other party in America. He'd probably need a personal injury lawyer to go after them. He might get one to take his case on contingency (lawyer gets a cut of the payout at the end) and could probably win some money assuming the facts are in his favor and he wasn't doing something illegal himself at the time of the incident.
I am at peak homeless fatigue.
Not with my current mild discomfort, but with these absolute wingnut wastes of space. I almost always avoid the various forms of breadline they offer street people but I missed my bus yesterday and decided fuck it, I could use a coffee. The coffee was watered to piss and really I only walked away with a sense that most homeless people need to be put in concentration camps. Fuck it, put me last in line and I'll close the wooden gas chamber doors from the inside myself.
One of the worst things we ever did for this countries general health was close the asylums in favor of just avoiding eye contact with psychotic bums.