OF General 1.0


No, but this is the least hostile place. Funfact: People don't really like being at places where the hostility towards them is constant. He come off as like such a sperg. Not sure if he's like King Cobra haters that's literally can't comprehend that what they do makes them an asshole. Or he's larping
Nigga Daniel Lopez is single handedly ruining this site’s existence
No, but this is the least hostile place. Funfact: People don't really like being at places where the hostility towards them is constant. He come off as like such a sperg. Not sure if he's like King Cobra haters that's literally can't comprehend that what they do makes them an asshole. Or he's larping
I would suggest Ken should show him how to purchase a sex worker so he stops thinking about me every day, but Ken is too old to know how apps work and I would bet money that little dude doesn't know how to drive a car. A tragedy of limitations that will never end, sadly.
I would suggest Ken should show him how to purchase a sex worker so he stops thinking about me every day, but Ken is too old to know how apps work and I would bet money that little dude doesn't know how to drive a car. A tragedy of limitations that will never end, sadly.

What apps? You just cruise the shit part of town and say "hey cunt, get in the car"

Fun fact Ken, I reported batshit red flag posts like these to RI over a month ago but was basically told that because you're not an illegal, showing up with crack pipe burns, or for now openly raping patients they'll just keep an eye on it. If a McDonalds employee got on the internet and talked about how he'd illegally purchased a woman for sex he would be fired that day. But you are employed in such pathetic, disgusting untouchables work that you are officially less fireable than a fast food employee. I guess if it comes out you're doing what everyone knows you're doing I once again get to say I told you so about another creep.

Has the brownnosing pedo gotten in touch after his embarrassing meltdown? That one must sting since he's the first person in your life to even pretend to respect you.
The reason Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt keeps talking about "the hooker incident" instead of denying it like a sane person is because he's thrilled he found a tiny group of degenerates on the internet who wouldn't leave even if they found out he's into something worse, like pedophilia or rape, which he definitely is. Their silence is an unspoken affirmation they're all perverts with tastes that go deeper than that surface-level illegal and dehumanizing act he's trying to play off as normal or even funny and cute. It's the same tactic Epstein used to recruit friends except it's a broke retarded man doing it.
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Fun fact Ken, I reported batshit red flag posts like these to RI over a month ago but was basically told that because you're not an illegal, showing up with crack pipe burns, or for now openly raping patients they'll just keep an eye on it. If a McDonalds employee got on the internet and talked about how he'd illegally purchased a woman for sex he would be fired that day. But you are employed in such pathetic, disgusting untouchables work that you are officially less fireable than a fast food employee. I guess if it comes out you're doing what everyone knows you're doing I once again get to say I told you so about another creep.

Has the brownnosing pedo gotten in touch after his embarrassing meltdown? That one must sting since he's the first person in your life to even pretend to respect you.

First of all nobody likes a snitch.

Second of all you have no proof because he could have just been saying that to see how you'd react.

And thirdly, statue of limitations. This happened when he was a teenager which was like 40 years ago.
Second of all you have no proof because he could have just been saying that to see how you'd react.
KF found his old posts on an autistic support site where everyone there was sharing all the pathetic loser shit they had to do to have a romantic life, Kenny told everyone that he had to lose his virginity to a desperate addict street walker his scumbag roommate dragged him to. Why would ken want me to think he's more gross and pathetic than I already do? Your mind really works like a grunt army retard Jack, I'm so glad the taxpayers are giving you free healthcare.
KF found his old posts on an autistic support site where everyone there was sharing all the pathetic loser shit they had to do to have a romantic life, Kenny told everyone that he had to lose his virginity to a desperate addict street walker his scumbag roommate dragged him to. Why would ken want me to think he's more gross and pathetic than I already do? Your mind really works like a grunt army retard Jack, I'm so glad the taxpayers are giving you free healthcare.

You should be a little nicer to people who have your physical address, Ashley. You never know who's going to show up at your house with a Glock 19 luger.

I mean I certainly never would, I'm just saying you talk a lot of shit when everybody knows where you live.

Now me on the other hand, I'm perfectly content just calling you the fat idiot you CLEARLY are. But one of these days kiddo... God forbid someone comes to your house looking to do you harm. I don't want to see that happen.

I hope that never happens but you can never be too careful on the internet, so maybe dial it down a lil bit. Because if these people that you antagonize are as dangerous as you say they are, well then maybe you should stop antagonizing them.

(Again I want to make it clear that I'm not threatening Ashley, I'm just giving her what-if scenarios as well as good advice because her physical address is posted online)
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You should be a little nicer to people who have your physical address, Ashley. You never know who's going to show up at your house with a Glock 19 luger.

I mean I certainly never would, I'm just saying you talk a lot of shit when everybody knows where you live.

Now me on the other hand, I'm perfectly content just calling you the fat idiot you CLEARLY are. But one of these days kiddo... God forbid someone comes to your house looking to do you harm. I don't want to see that happen.

I hope that never happens but you can never be too careful on the internet, so maybe dial it down a lil bit. Because if these people that you antagonize are as dangerous as you say they are, well then maybe you should stop antagonizing them.

(Again I want to make it clear that I'm not threatening Ashley, I'm just giving her what-if scenarios as well as good advice because her physical address is posted online)
We have a very loud dog in the neighborhood that alerts us to everything believe me if some mentally ill pest from KF or Ken's group home gang shows up I'll know about it 5 minutes before he gets anywhere near me. You seem very drunk Jack, I don't know you or want to know you even though you keep shoving your bloated face into my business. Maybe you should find another kiwifails type reject to spend 24 hours on discord with turning all your PTSD crying while laughing energy on instead.

It's called a paper trail, stupid. This was documented because while your behavior online doesn't directly effect your patients or clients, it's extremely suspicious and will be used if any work allegations arise with you. They were particularly curious about the past stalking allegations you shared. Your boss is aware of it, they're just too hard up for labor to fire you.
Also you were not "dating your ex" ken, like you shared on Wrong Planet she was a woman you met through a mail order bride dating service because you were too repulsive to women in your own country. You emailed each other a few times and she came here for a green card marriage. Essentially a gussied up form of prostitution Lol.

You live in a basement alone at age 65 and you refuse to take my dox down because you have a fetish for intimidating and harming women, and dressing them down if they aren't treating you like "daddy". You are a fat creep loser who will die a fat creep loser trying to skinwalk as Joshua Moon and nobody either in real life or the weirdos you've surrounded yourself with on the internet believe any of this shit where you're trying to play a normal guy Ken lol. Your main cocksucker crashed out and insulted you on his way out the door, tell us how sad you are about it.

All anyone needs to know about ken is that he's both jealous of his sister and also having talked to her it's wildly obvious she is tired of his shit and has shouldered his fucked up treatment and narcissistic "projects" her entire life, mostly dealing with it by ignoring him. He's a pest and freak and a burden to everyone around him and always has been. I asked her if you had a history with criminally fucking with women and she actually sighed a little lol.
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We have a very loud dog in the neighborhood that alerts us to everything believe me if some mentally ill pest from KF or Ken's group home gang shows up I'll know about it 5 minutes before he gets anywhere near me. You seem very drunk Jack, I don't know you or want to know you even though you keep shoving your bloated face into my business. Maybe you should find another kiwifails type reject to spend 24 hours on discord with turning all your PTSD crying while laughing energy on instead.

Do you know how quiet a suppressor makes a 22?

Not even the dog would hear it.

I'm just letting you know for educational purposes.

Very very silly that you would dox yourself and then say publicly that you had a dog.

You really are playing with fire Ashley, letting all these weirdos online know everything about your private life. Maybe it's just time that you log off and reevaluate your situation.

Your lifelong audition for "most pathetic girl on the internet" is over. You got the part. Learn to take yes for an answer.