OF General 1.0

If I cared for Fucktard Geist, I would be worried about his mental state. Because, who in their right mind looks at Ken and think he's such a perfect citizen worthy of being jealous of?
If I cared for Fucktard Geist, I would be worried about his mental state. Because, who in their right mind looks at Ken and think he's such a perfect citizen worthy of being jealous of?
It's something I've been pondering lately. What could cause him to idolize a mentally unstable boomer who fails at everything?
I genuinely don't read nonce geists posts because they're filled with annoying schizophrenic slang and the fact that all he does is catalogue this stuff all day leads me to believe he has ken-like mental problems but is even lower functioning.
I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the UK equivalent of SSI and Section 8, and simply has nothing better to do.

Does anybody know the backstory on this tard?
kiwifails with fun facts on canned tomatoes:
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I wonder how he knows that?
Because, who in their right mind looks at Ken and think he's such a perfect citizen worthy of being jealous of?
Nektar knows how to at least publicly suck off Ken. Behind closed doors the opinions become a bit more realistic, let's say
Does anybody know the backstory on this tard?
Supposedly a Scottish boomer. But he once got a shout-out from Drunken Surfer, so I've suspected the boomer thing is a bit and he's a more mid 30s fan of old timey kino or something.
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Heh, it kinda does have that effect doesn't it?
This is getting weird, and I'm wondering if he has an episode of psychosis. With how he denies the reality of Pedofails being denied a broom on Lounge96 and like. You are the admin here, you definitely have chances to broom it here.

If this is a troll, it's a bad one. Because I get the feeling that OF is the wrong place for him, and he needs to go to therapy.
Ken inadvertently confirms he's both autistic and schizophrenic, at least according to doctors from his childhood:
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 04-53-36 Announcement - On a Personal Note Onionfarms.png.webp

I'm willing to agree on both the autism and schizophrenia. He's obviously autistic, and some of the communications I've had with him strongly suggest he's hearing voices in his head, so I'm on board with his schizophrenia diagnosis too.
some of the communications I've had with him strongly suggest he's hearing voices in his head, so I'm on board with his schizophrenia diagnosis too.
Kendra lives!
Why is a guy like this trying to be joshua moon, who is on a razor edge of being bankrupt from lawsuits?
Goooood morninggggg, being fat!

Because at a moment's notice Null can snap his fingers and make $100K appear from his users pockets, people legitimately adore him, etc. Josh's life and website are at very least entertaining while everything about Kengle sucks.
Jealous much?
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 04-48-22 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 04-48-27 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

What is it with this guy and Ken? Ger a room already, faggots.
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13-34-44 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

Well, I was gonna give kiwifails the benefit of the doubt and say he probably works in a food processing plant, but now I'm gonna have to go with he probably doesn't work and just sits around watching YouTube all day. Or worse, television.

It's interesting how bint projects his own MO onto me, when it's literally what he's doing in this post. Guess that SSI/Section 8 thing really hit home.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13-34-52 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

I'd like to point out that "It's like a bad divorce with him. He's the abusive ex who blames everyone except himself for why things went south." is exactly what a narcissist says after their relationship inevitably implodes. Also, more projection.

In my experience, "how it's made videos" are usually too broad to really learn much of anything. Sure, it gives you a very simplified and high level understanding of of a thing, but that's not particularly useful or stimulating for someone as smart as me. I'd much rather read a technical description of how something works than watch a video targeted at the average Joe.

Ken butts in to project about twisting narratives. It is becoming a common theme on Onion Farms as all the good people distance themselves from the trashfire, and the signal-to-retard ratio gets ever worse.
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13-35-34 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

Lounge 96 is doing great, thank you very much. I haven't had to wipe everything and completely start over even one single time 🤣

The pedobroom jumps at the chance to back up his daddy with a very large screenshot that doesn't support his statement.
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13-36-06 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp

So we got three of these seething tards making shit up to save face. They're trying hard, guys. Hard as pedofails' dick when he's fapping to
The pedobroom jumps at the chance to back up his daddy with a very large screenshot that doesn't support his statement.
Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13-36-06 Lounge 96 Page 34 Onionfarms.png.webp
I actually didn't know if Ken had schizophrenia or not because I heard it repeated so much but it sounds like it was an old historical diagnosis that doesn't apply anymore. Like when Temple Grandin got diagnosed with mild retardation as a kid for having Asperger's/high functioning autism.
Nektar Geist is sperging about homosexuality for some reason. I don't think he approves. It's a struggle to figure out exactly what he's saying but some things I've learned:

1. Being gay is a lifestyle.
2. He thinks homosexuality led to the fall of the Classical world.
3. Gay rights is meant to undermine Western values.
4. Gays don't care about homophobia in Islamic countries.
5. Gayness is caused by family and "social conditioning".
6. Gay is a choice but so is straight.
But it is. Let me finish... G.A.Y. (Good As You) is a choice of lifestyle. You'll have noticed, through out the years, Bumders have been persona non grata...

Minor Sperg: This whole "But Muh Grecko-Roomun" is a bit iffy, as in, it wasn't always like that, and some historians (and not in an homophobic way) have made the point: Social acceptance of homosexuality is a sign of decline and fall. js. You might have to accept that homosexuality is long term not good for society.

Back to the politics... Gay rights (and you'll have noticed that GAY is MALE, there being the L there seperate, WTAA?) is a political movement, which isn't about protecting nancies, it's about undermining "Western Values".

FR. The fags weren't trolling up at Muslim business trying that shit. Fags are real quiet about actual mistreatment of gays in Islamic countries. This is a choice.

btw, I'm more on the side of social conditioning (a lot of it is to do with family), but I don't see sexuality as... "preferred kink" "dating site app details shit" sort of deal. It really is more to do with personality. Y'see, I don't think that eg homosexual men don't want kids, or are particularly more likely to molest those kids. Lots of straight guys like putting it about and don't want kids.

Modern days (ie when there was enough TV to stick kids in front of 24/7, and I'm old enough to remember when telly shut down at midnight) you see all kinds of dumb kinks and sexual shit, it's literally retarded, it's arrested development.

You ever see Crash? The Cronenberg version. That's what today is about, trying to contrive some weird esoteric moment. Which is laughable, a complete waste of time (and ofc money). So, when I say "Gay is a choice", being "straight" is too. Because homosexual means wanting to boff the same sex as you, "Gay" means, and this might seem a lil spicy here, what middle class white bints get off to. "Gay" is "Media Faggot".

More facts with Nektar Geist:

1. Women have less self control due to their period.
2. He's been hit and threatened with knives by women before.
3. He likes to say that "if women can hit kids then men should be allowed to hit women"
Women have less self control than men. Part of this is due to menstrual stuff (women like to forget that if Aunt Flo's Monthly visit is defense in court for everything from shoplifting to murder, then women have to expect people to think that her period makes her a mentalist looney, no difference in the sexes remember)

I've been hit by women a few times (one time threatened with a knife). But here's the thing 1. They are SO MUCH WEAKER than men 2. They are really shit at fighting, they don't know how to throw a punch.

I've always joked (words spoken in jest) that if women are allowed to hit kids, then men should be able to hit women. For exactly the same reason.

Here's the thing, you should have pressed charges, you never know, the next time she tries it (and she will, she knows she can get away with it) either she'll use a weapon, and the guy will end up dead (read up on the case of Winter Swan Miller, she murdered her bf, then made up some BS story about it was his fault, even tho the forensic told a different story, also Karen Read who is clearly guilty).
This was in response to a powerlevel by AHF about being punched in the face by his ex.
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I find it funny, how they have so little on me. He obviously were 18 years old, but I guess it's a mind blowing thing that there are non-minors on a forum meant for 18 and up. The screenshots is proof that he asked for the pics, the fact he didn't expect me to actually send it isn't my fault.
4. Gays don't care about homophobia in Islamic countries.
To be fair, a lot don't and worships them. Way too many fags acts as if being gay is a personality and lifestyle, and I do think this is a cycle caused by social conditioning. The same way if you hang out with drug addicts, you often turn into one yourself. But this doesn't have anything with being gay in itself, it's just a cycle of grooming people to have undesirable traits to the points of normies being gaslit. Which is understandable, because normies are pretty clueless about anything really.
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I actually didn't know if Ken had schizophrenia or not because I heard it repeated so much but it sounds like it was an old historical diagnosis that doesn't apply anymore. Like when Temple Grandin got diagnosed with mild retardation as a kid for having Asperger's/high functioning autism.
I mean we're talking about the late 60s or early 70s here. It's definitely possible. To be clear, he's saying he doesn't have "Autism/Childhood Schizophrenia" because it's an "outdated diagnosis" that "fell out of favor" once autism became better understood. He is not saying he was never diagnosed. And let's be clear here, this isn't a single illness, but in fact two different illnesses.

Childhood Schizophrenia is still a diagnosis you can get today, and it is special because you don't usually see schizophrenia in children. It is absolutely not outdated. Autism is obviously a diagnosis you can get today as well. While they do have overlap and autism was definitely poorly understood back when Ken was a child, he shows strong signs of autism and some hints of schizophrenia in current day, as a 64 year old man. Knowing that Ken very often will inadvertently reveal details about himself while trying to make an argument in support of himself, I'd say that it's very likely he was diagnosed with autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, and likely as a comorbidity or at least at two different points in his childhood. His statement about this does not deny this happened, only that it's "out of date".

That said, he's claiming that this diagnosis no longer applies to him (unlikely), that he was never diagnosed with schizophrenia (Childhood Schizophrenia is literally schizophrenia as seen in children), and at other times I'm told he has also claimed to be not diagnosed with autism either (extremely unlikely). So that tells me that at the very least, he's lying by omission. I'm not keen to believe him because at the moment he's trying to save face, not to mention he has a history of lying about things to make himself look better.

His behavior displayed online and in videos strongly suggests autism and he has some moments that make you wonder what's going on in his head. Some things like Buffalo Cube and boiled burgers have shades of Terry A. Davis, a well known schizophrenic. The way he conducts himself online, especially when you're trying to have a conversation with him and how his responses are all over the place and often completely unrelated to the conversation, leaving you wondering if there is a third participant (imaginary, or literally you inside his head), leads me to further believe he has some form of schizophrenia. Given all that, I really struggle to even consider the idea that he's not diagnosed with anything or that his childhood diagnoses were complete bullshit.
6. Gay is a choice but so is straight.
LOL I wish! If which gender I was attracted to were a choice I'd leave the highly toxic gay community in a heartbeat.
2. He's been hit and threatened with knives by women before.
If his IRL personality and demeanor is anything like what he is on Onion Farms, this wouldn't surprise me in the least. He's such a tard and so confrontational that I bet most people wouldn't willingly tolerate his presence for very long. He's gonna die a very lonely man.
To be fair, a lot don't and worships them. Way too many fags acts as if being gay is a personality and lifestyle, and I do think this is a cycle caused by social conditioning. The same way if you hang out with drug addicts, you often turn into one yourself. But this doesn't have anything with being gay in itself, it's just a cycle of grooming people to have undesirable traits to the points of normies being gaslit. Which is understandable, because normies are pretty clueless about anything really.
The whole fucking like rabbits with complete disregard for STD safety thing is definitely a lifestyle choice.
What an awesome pussyhound with a wild and crazy life.
Must be why he spends so much time on Onion Farms. He's in no danger of being banned or pushed out, and he's well insulated from knife-wielding women because he's hiding behind a keyboard.