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  1. mtil

    KF General

    if you are a LGBTRW kiwi you are valid, don't worry it gets better
  2. mtil

    the coming lounge96 coup

    Today @Gargamel laid dan to rest (pbuh). The putative reason is because a literal animated stick had her feelings hurt. But we all know @Gargamel is very hardhearted gay man and doesn't care about the feelings of ladies. So just what the H is going on? what does #elaine have on gargamel?
  3. mtil

    Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt / Kengel1021 / OnionNull

    as an inflation fetishist, I can get behind these robber barons
  4. mtil

    Brian Thompson memorial page

    This is some standard /pol/ toys-posting :toys: - everyone who does anything that can get them in the news is obv. a CIA puppet. btw, Lounge 96 collectively misses Brian Thompson.
  5. mtil

    Brian Thompson memorial page

    This thread is dedicated to patriot Brian Thompson You are missed 🙏🏼
  6. mtil

    Pygmy Cattle - Small time cows, forgotten weirdos and others who don't deserve a thread

    Callum Tew, a greasy schizo, diaper fetishist and ghost hunter is back (again): His videos in bed cradling two Shaggy dolls while talking about infinite consciousness are what caught my attention. eg He is so mush-mouthed and given to word salad he becomes boring quick. However, a 5 minute...
  7. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    interesting theory
  8. mtil

    KF General

    In case you missed it ceo and well-known lolcow brian thompson finally got shot by one of his alogs. fortunately it was featured on kf otherwise i may have missed this lolcow news.
  9. mtil

    Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt / Kengel1021 / OnionNull

    he has an 11 inch pocket protector
  10. mtil

    Trump Thread

    official L96 stance: fuck drumpf fuck facsits arm trans women defund the po-lice
  11. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    How long has it been: It used to be: All Races, Ethnic Groups, Religions, Gay or Straight, CIS or Trans: If you can rock with us, you are one of us. ALL walks of life? Is this pedoshielding? are teen wolves allowed on the site now? what did he mean by this
  12. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    prove it bud
  13. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    This fella is 1 old fuck. OF is becoming a retirement home you hate to see it folks.
  14. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    A shout to you, me and Robbie, Nektar. If Ken wants to build OF he needs to convert to Scientology. Start letting David Miscavige take your tithe rather than Aga Khan. Dave can get you set up with hollywood stars, Kenneth.
  15. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    so a literal who shows up pretending to know things and ken now believes ashley and lopez are conspiring? how long until he's a mod?
  16. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    lmao filtered sorry pleb, this just ain't your rodeo
  17. mtil

    Thanksgiving: Based or Cringe?

    Gargamel's attitude isn't surprising, we've been sexting in DMs and he told me he is half Objiwe (Canadian). His cock is Indian red btw.
  18. mtil

    The body parts of Daniel Lopez [Dan general discussion + Daniel's blog]

    Yesterday kengle laid dan to rest. As I gather, Crimson Fucker, our beloved edgelord tranny who carries water for pædophiles, convinced Ken with 0 evidence that Dan was behind the OF ban on new twitter. This was too much for Ken and so he banned him. Now, we all know it probably was Daniel but...